Chapter 4

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Rosalind honestly disliked Mystic Falls.

"What is it with all these special days and carnivals and random events?" said Rosalind when Tyler came to announce that they had to attend the Historical Society's Volunteer Day Picnic.

"It's a small town," replied Tyler. "They want a sense of community. And... they want to fundraise and eat good food."

"Well, it's ridiculous. There's something every other day and I am not one to like social events like these. We can't drink at any of them!"

"Tell you what," said Tyler. "We make an appearance so my mom and your dad can see we're there, and then... we sneak back here. I invite a couple of my friends and we can drink."

"Which friends? I am not consenting to being surrounded by your annoying football buddies who will never understand that they can't 'turn me straight.'"

"Don't worry, I'll bring nicer people."

Rosalind wasn't sure she trusted him with that, but she decided not to question it further.

When they arrived at the site where the event was being held, Rosalind immediately decided that regardless of who Tyler's friends were, she was going to choose to hang out with them instead.

"Look, there are carpenters there," said her father, pointing to where several men were cutting boards. "They're gonna build something for the park they're making. Think they could use a hand."

"I think they've got it covered," she said with a shrug.

"You know how to work with wood, maybe they'd like some help."

"I don't know them, though. Unless you plan to stand with me the entire time there..."

"I know you're feeling uncomfortable with everyone after what Damon did yesterday. I will handle it, Ro."

She sighed. "I just don't really feel anything with events like this. I don't have fun. Tyler said we could go back home and hang out there. Play several more hours of video games than we should."

He raised a brow. "Alone?"

"Maybe a few of his friends will join for a tournament."

"You mean, for drinking."

"Maybe. I don't know."

He sighed. "Can't imagine there is much I can do to stop you. Just be careful. And if you get bored there, don't come back here. It might actually be a good thing that you leave early. I have a plan for those vampires."

"Good," she said. "Then, it's settled."

"Sure," he replied. "Let's just go unload the things your Aunt Carol asked us to bring, then you can go."

They walked back to the car once Carol finished her welcome speech. Popping the trunk, they started carrying boxes out little by little, stopping only when Stefan Salvatore approached them.

"Stefan, right?" said Mason. "The other Salvatore."

"The nice one," said Stefan calmly. "The one offering an apology."

"Not interested," said the wolf.

"Look," Stefan tried to reason, "my brother acted impulsively."

"You think?"

"If you and Damon keep at each other's throats, somebody innocent is going to get hurt and I don't want that. You have family here so I can imagine you'd want that either. So what do you say we just quit the whole alpha male fighting thing and call a truce?"

Redamancy | Elena GilbertOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora