Chapter 52

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His idea was a mass Traveler kidnapping.

"Ahh, great," said Damon to Jeremy, who he'd enlisted alongside Matt to carry in all the sleeping Travelers from the cave. "I'm going to add carrying to the list of things you can't do well, but that's okay. You can repay me with your salary from The Grill... if you want to work a couple thousand years."

"And how exactly is this going to lure Markos to us?" asked Rosalind as the woman they were carrying was set onto the pool table.

"I put up a sign," said Damon pleasantly. "I'm hoping he wants these Traveler husks back." He snapped his fingers at the two boys. "You two, make yourselves useful. Patrol the town; call me if you see anything weirder than usual."

They left. Caroline put her hands on her hips. "So you think drawing Markos to your house is the best idea?"

"It's the only idea," said Damon. "Unless your body-snatched boyfriend in the basement can help us."

Caroline frowned. "Julian is not Tyler. Therefore, he has no reason to help us. So until I figure out a way to get Tyler back, he's just extra baggage." She motioned for Rosalind to follow her downstairs to monitor Julian.

"Where did Jesse go?" asked Rosalind glumly.

"He's trying to find Liv and Luke," said Caroline, shaking her head. "No luck yet. Those two better show their faces soon..."

They sat on the cell bed while Julian crouched down in the opposite corner. The two girls sat in silence for a while, until Julian called out, "Quit hovering. It's weird."

"What's weird," said Rosalind darkly, "is that you're permanently in my cousin's body. You stole his life."

Julian shrugged. "Whatever."

Caroline gripped Rosalind's hand to keep her from making any moves. "Why can't Markos and the other Travelers find some other place to live?" asked Caroline.

"It's nice here," said Julian, almost sarcastically. He then became serious. "Besides, it's not just about breaking the curse that keeps us from being able to settle; it's revenge against all of the things the witches stand for. Every grimoire; every talisman; every vampire, right down to your daylight rings... The Travelers see it all as a perversion of pure magic. Markos wants to destroy that perversion. He wants to restore the balance."

"Surely there's a way to let you guys settle down somewhere without it killing the rest of us," said Rosalind. "It's wrong for you to be stealing bodies and lives and then rendering every supernatural— other than you— in the entire world powerless or dead."

"It's not really wrong," said Julian. "When you think about it, if anything, it's kind of right."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Well, why does he have to be so violent about it?"

Julian's expression was hard to read. "When it comes to getting what he wants, Markos doesn't have much of a sense of humor. Violence, death... it's all serious. No jokes."

The blonde sat up. "Wait a second," she said suddenly, turning to Rosalind. "I think I might have an idea to save Tyler." She rushed out.

Rosalind huffed. "Great." She glanced at Julian. "What's in this for you, anyway? They destroyed your real body. You're stuck in Tyler, and when this spell is carried out, you'll die for good. I don't see where you stand to benefit."

Julian shrugged. "I don't. Not unless my wife can find me."

She blinked several times. "It is weird to hear you say that. My cousin's face, his voice... talking about being married. It's something I never thought I'd hear. Something I will never hear, thanks to you."

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