Chapter 48

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Rosalind got to kill Katherine.

She carried the limp body back to the Salvatore House, where everyone was still inside, coordinating rides home and whether they wanted to stop for coffee on the way to Whitmore. They were confused to see her bringing what appeared to be an unconscious Elena into the house.

The confusion faded when they learned who it actually was.

Matt went home immediately to fetch the Traveler knife. Tyler accompanied him to make sure he got the knife back before Katherine woke up again.

"What are we going to do about Nadia?" asked Caroline. "I'm guessing she was part of this scheme. If she's expecting to meet Katherine somewhere..."

"Klaus is still in town," said Rosalind. "I already told him what happened. If Nadia reacts violently in any way, he's going to help us kill her." She rubbed her forehead, heaving a sigh. "She wanted to hurt me. Katherine wanted to hurt me... probably break my heart then have her own agenda. I force-fed her the cure... it's my fault she ever became human and started to age rapidly."

Jeremy shook his head. "It's not your fault. Your humanity was off."

"Everything I did when my humanity was off never stops haunting me. I made a lot of bad choices. I made them. Not anyone else. It is my fault."

Tyler and Matt returned with the Traveler knife. "Thank you," said Rosalind, taking it in hand and preparing herself for Katherine to wake up. "Let's get this over with."

Her eyes fluttered open. "Do the thing," Tyler said, nudging Matt.

Matt spoke in Czech as best as he could, "Vyjit."

Elena's eyes turned completely black, and seconds later, her mouth curled into a sneer. She'd just opened her mouth to speak when Rosalind shoved the knife into her gut. Katherine gasped, and Elena's body shook, her eyes turning black again before she slumped back, asleep.

"It'll take her awhile to wake up," said Matt knowingly. "But she'll be okay, now. Katherine is gone for good."

"What's next, then?" inquired Bonnie. "Do we contact Nadia or wait for her to come to us?"

"It doesn't matter," said Tyler confidently. "She doesn't stand a chance against me and Rosalind. Young hybrid beats old vampire every time."

Rosalind snorted. "We shouldn't get cocky considering the circumstances. Nadia will be livid that I killed her mother. If she attacks, Klaus should be there to help us. He'll happily kill her."

"Does it have to end in murder?" inquired Matt. "I see Nadia and I see... myself. I've been where she is. My mom used to disappear for weeks at a time and then show up one day out of the blue and pretend like nothing happened. Before you know it, I'd be at the stove, making her a grilled cheese. Katherine would only give her attention whenever she decided she was worth it... whenever she needed Nadia for something. Katherine would never choose her over whatever she aimed to accomplish by taking over Elena's body."

"Do you know why you find yourself making all those sandwiches?"

They whirled around and saw Nadia in the doorway.

Matt gulped. "No. Why?"

Nadia's eyes were filled with angry tears as she approached, "Because the second your mom walked back into your life, you forgot all of those horrible things that she did because at the end of the day, she's still your mom and you love her.'

"You deserve to be free of that," Rosalind said softly, reaching for her phone to try and contact Klaus. "Katherine is gone for good. That won't be undone"

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