Chapter 18

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Stefan was operating on crazy.

At least, that was how Damon put it. Rosalind awoke on the morning of Caroline's birthday to a text from the elder Salvatore informing her that he and Stefan had killed a hybrid that went after Bonnie. Why that hybrid attacked the Bennett witch, she had no idea (and he didn't seem like he was going to tell her).

So, now, Stefan was demanding that Klaus send his hybrids away. And according to Damon, there was a 'wild' look in his eyes. Rosalind was tasked with keeping a lookout and being careful around Stefan.

She would have rather joined in on the festivities for Caroline's birthday. She'd been able to help decorate the locker, but Caroline had decided not to go to school at all. Like the good friends they were, Elena, Bonnie, and Matt ditched school to go to her house instead.

Rosalind wondered if any of them would manage to graduate high school. Hell, she'd barely managed and she was busting her ass daily to get things done. Her homework time was always limited because of all the sports she did, and she was never naturally gifted enough to sail through any course. Her anger issues left her getting frustrated easily with every teacher and every assignment. She couldn't imagine how she would have fared if she missed school as often as they did.

"Hey, you're still here," said Jeremy when he found her in the athletic trainer's office, cleaning up.

She raised a brow. "And you're... here. Where injured athletes and students come for therapy."

"Oh, I came looking for you, I just thought you might be at the field already. Elena wanted me to tell you that they're moving Caroline's party to the cemetery, in case you're able to go."

Rosalind blinked. "Excuse me? The cemetery? Why?"

"Guess she was feeling sentimental about the fact she's a vampire and not actually turning eighteen. So, it's more of a 'goodbye old Caroline' and 'hello new Caroline' kind of thing."

"Huh. Well, that's unexpected. Oh, I've been wanting to ask— how are you? Tyler feels awful about what happened when Klaus made him get you off of the vervain. He's been preparing a way to fix his sire bond issues."

Jeremy shrugged. "I'm alive. Alaric saved me, and he's okay, too. I'm staying late today for detention but maybe if you want we could head to Caroline's together when we're done with practice. Unless you're heading home for the Council Meeting. Tyler mentioned it."

Rosalind smacked her forehead. "Oh, shit. I forgot about that! My Aunt Carol wants me present to help fundraise. I don't think I'll be able to go to Caroline's party at all. Would it be okay if I give you the present I got for Caroline so you can give it to her on my behalf?"

"Sure," said Jeremy, waiting for her to get it from her bag. "Well, I'll see you another time."

"See you," said Rosalind. "Thanks."

He held up the present as he walked out. As soon as she finished cleaning the office, she went to eat some lunch. Afterwards, she got to the field, planning to give her athletes a shorter workout so she could get to the house on time. Her aunt would be livid if she wasn't showered and ready by the time the fundraiser started.

She had to speed back home after practice, pretending all lights were green (they weren't, but there also weren't any cops around). She ran up to her room and took the quickest shower of her life, slipping into some more formal clothes just as her aunt came knocking on the door to see if she was ready.

"Be down in a bit!" said Rosalind, almost falling flat on her face when she slipped on some heels. She looked in the mirror, adjusting the line of her dress pants and blazer. To keep it looking formal but also modern, she'd worn a blue crop top with the suit. As long as she kept her hands tucked together while around her aunt, she wouldn't notice.

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