Chapter 26

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The Boarding House was quiet.

Rosalind expected to hear screams or maybe, a therapy session in progress. The lack of sound made her think that they'd accomplished nothing in the past two days. Which didn't bode well for Alaric if Klaus really did lose his temper.

"You're here," said Elena, appearing from the living room as Rosalind walked in.

"I am," said Rosalind. "How's Alaric?"

"He's been the same," said Elena dejectedly. "Damon, Stefan, and I have been taking turns keeping an eye on him. His alter ego hasn't re-emerged."

"Bummer," said Rosalind. "Klaus will be coming by later to... give it a go. Which I'm sure will be bloody. So I'd hope that he makes an appearance before that."

Elena pursed her lips. "So, how was it? Turning the hybrids?"

"It went well. They're all staying at the mansion for now." She noticed Elena was dressed as if she was going to leave the house. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah," she said. "To school... Caroline signed me up to decorate for the Decade Dance." She toyed with a string on her blouse. "I wanted to ask if you would be my date."

Rosalind blinked. "Your date? To the Decade Dance?"

Elena nodded. "I took some time to think these past days and I... I do like you, Rosalind. I just want to take it really slow. Like... do some dating, taking time to get to know each other romantically but little by little instead of jumping right into a relationship. I've still got a lot to learn, and I hope that's okay with you, if we go... slow and steady."

"Of course it's okay with me," said Rosalind, a genuine smile making its way onto her face. "I'd really like that."

Elena blushed. "I-I should get going. But I'll text you later with details about the theme of the dance, and the time and all that... I'm looking forward to it."

"I am, too," said Rosalind softly. "Have a good day."

"You too," said Elena before slipping out the door. Rosalind grinned to herself, and made sure to message Klaus to update him on Alaric's condition and the fact she'd landed herself a date.

Before Klaus responded, she received a message from Tyler. Given that he hadn't spoken with her in a while, she was quick to reply to his 'Hey,' with 'Hi, how are you? Are you ready to come back to town yet?'

'I'm back. Meet me in the cellar.'

She made sure to tell Klaus that she was going to be busy, trusting he'd handle Alaric by himself. To make sure things didn't get too out of hand, she informed Damon that Klaus was going to pop by. Turned out that Damon had been in the house the entire time. He was just passed out on his bed.

She sprinted to the cellar, and pulled Tyler into a tight hug when she laid eyes on him. "You're back," she sighed. "It feels so good to see you."

"You feel different," he said in surprise, pulling away from the hug. "Rosie, what happened to you?"

"I'm a hybrid now," she said. "Just like you. So, did you do it? Did you break the sire bond?"

"I did," he replied. "But that doesn't matter— what the hell do you mean that you're a hybrid?"

Rosalind heaved a sigh. "Klaus turned me. I asked him to."

"You gave in? But... but why?"

"Because he offered me a deal. We're leading the pack together. We're both the Alphas, and we just came back from a trip to Montana where we brought in eight new recruits. Right now, they're sitting ducks while we wait to get the last of the white oak. Matt killed Finn, Klaus's brother, and we found out that if an Original dies, so does every vampire from their bloodline. We're from Klaus's, so right now, we have to protect him. But soon, we're going to train them, and we're going to teach them, and in the end, we'll give them a choice whether they stay or go. We can keep offering any wolves we find a chance to be hybrids, and they will get to preserve their free will. Klaus is listening to me, Tyler, and we're becoming friends."

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