Chapter 14

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Mason was standing beside Damon.

"Oh, goody," said Damon when he sensed her presence. "The little she-wolf is here."

Rosalind didn't care that there were people— humans who were oblivious to the existence of wolves, vampires and witches— all over the restaurant. She bolted forward past a waiter and crashed into her father's body, her arms tight around him and head resting on his shoulder.

"Is this real?" she whispered, sensing that he was holding the back of her head. "Are you really here?"

"I'm here, Ro," he said, kissing her hair. "I'm here."

She drew back to examine his face. "But how? How is this possible? It's been months. Half a year... and yet you're flesh and blood..."

"Long story short," said Damon (with the intent of being helpful, apparently), "Bonnie screwed up a spell to send away Vicki Donovan after she almost barbecued Elena last night. Now, all the ghosts are able to interact with the living and we can see them. Only way to fix it is to destroy that stupid little necklace Stefan gave to Elena." He gestured to a spot of blood on his forehead. "Your dad smashed a glass into my head just moments before you arrived."

"I would pay to see the moment again," piped up Alaric, who was on the other side of Damon. He tapped the vampire's arm. "You know, why don't we—?" He tried to get him to move aside.

"No," said Mason. "We can have our moment soon, but not now. There is something we all need to talk about. First things first, though..."

"Let's get to it," said Damon, having an idea what he was going to say. "I killed you, you want revenge. Get in line. Your kid's been a pain in my ass, she's higher on the list than you. Though, I guess that does count as one spot."

"Actually," said Mason, "I want an apology."

Alaric laughed dryly. "Good luck with that."

"Why don't you stick with haunting your family?" said Damon. "You know, your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid minion, and your little girl came to me a week ago needing help with getting rid of a body because she triggered her curse."

"That's why I'm here," said Mason. "To help Rosalind and Tyler."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but they can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always."

Mason smirked. "Not necessarily. Not if you found a weapon that could kill him."

Rosalind glanced over at him. "And you wouldn't happen to know about that weapon... would you?" He grinned in response. "So, you do."

Damon drummed his fingers on the table. "Okay, you've got my attention. What do you know?"

"I know you need to apologize," said Mason.

The vampire groaned. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"It's a very simple thing to ask of you," replied the wolf. "You killed me, took me away from my daughter. Apologize."

He continued to resist, making faces as the bourbon in his hands. "Are you incapable of remorse?" hissed Alaric. "Just apologize!"

Damon scrunched up his face and forced out, "You're right. I didn't have to kill you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do."

Rosalind stared at him. "You ripped my father's heart out, left him in the woods for anyone to find, and then your brother lied to me about who killed him, leading to a chain reaction of me losing everyone I cared about and now, I'm a fucking werewolf. That was not an apology."

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