Chapter 23

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Klaus's training was exhausting.

Rosalind arrived at seven forty-five. He started her up immediately with drills on a punching bag while he had breakfast (a waitress from The Mystic Grill who enjoyed being fed on a tad too much).

Before he came back, she took a moment to check her phone. Bonnie had not replied to her text asking if she was okay. Elena had told her that Alaric had been arrested, and that Meredith Fell believed him to be the one murdering Council members.

She figured that was something relevant that Klaus might be able to help with. So, when they were fighting, she mentioned it.

"It seems the lesson plans for the day have changed," said Klaus, beckoning her toward the door. "Tell your girlfriend we'll be heading to the jail for an examination of Alaric."

"She's not my girlfriend," said Rosalind, her cheeks red. "Yet."

"I don't care, I'll call her your girlfriend anyway. Get used to it. Today, you're going to learn how to search minds."

When they arrived, Liz Forbes immediately tried to stop them from heading down. "Rosalind," she said very sternly. "This isn't a supernatural matter, I can't let you get involved, just as I've wanted Damon to not get involved."

"But what if it is a supernatural matter?" asked Rosalind. "Everyone's telling me that he doesn't remember doing anything, that he's denying it. What if he was compelled? Klaus says he can teach me to search minds, to break past compulsion another vampire set in. If he's guilty and blocking the memories out, we can get him to confess. We're here to find the truth, no matter what it is. Please, we just want to search through. If we don't find anything, then we'll step out. But we have to at least try."

Liz's eyes flickered to Klaus, who was standing with a serious expression, impatient. "Fine," she said. "You have fifteen minutes. If you don't find anything in that time, I'll ask you to leave. And I want to supervise it."

"Sure," said Rosalind. "Works better that you're there in case we find something, we can tell you right away."

She led them down the staircase into a cell underground. Alaric looked miserable, sitting on the small uncomfortable bed, waiting for someone to come and see him.

"Oh," he said, appearing nervous when he saw Klaus. "Why are you—?"

"I'm here to teach," said Klaus with a mischievous grin. "Rosalind is going to be learning to mind search today."

Liz unlocked the cell, not worried that Alaric would try to slip out. There was no way he could get past two hybrids unarmed. She closed the door once they stepped inside. Rosalind beckoned Alaric to sit up.

"He's likely on vervain," said Klaus. "However, because of the time he's been in here, and the fact your—" Rosalind kicked him before he could say 'girlfriend' in front of Alaric and Liz, "friends say that he was brought in dead, the amount should be so little that we can bleed it out easily. Go on, test him."

"Alaric, I'm just going to bite very gently into your wrist," said Rosalind. "Is that okay?"

"Don't ask him if it's okay," interrupted Klaus before he could answer. "We're here helping him, he needs to be okay with anything we do."

"I'm going to bring him pain when I do this, I have to at least ask—"

"Don't. Just bite."

Rosalind made a face, bringing Alaric's arm to her mouth and biting in. "No more vervain," she said. "I can go in." She stood in front of Alaric, placing her hands on his head.

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