Chapter 10

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The armchair was not comfortable.

But Rosalind managed to sleep just a bit that night. She waited to leave until she saw Elena in the morning. The doppelgänger was very grateful that she'd remained there through the night.

Rosalind walked into the Lockwood Mansion, hoping to avoid being seen. She heard her aunt clear her throat in the parlor.

"Aunt Carol," she said sleepily. "Good morning."

Her aunt scanned down her body and saw she was still wearing her dress, and that her hair was braided to prevent it from looking a mess. "Honey, you didn't come home last night, I was worried."

She told her the truth, because there was nothing wrong with it. "I spent the night at the Gilbert House. Elena wasn't feeling too well and she needed some moral support."

Carol relaxed. "Well, that's nice of you, dear. I'm sure she appreciated that."

"I think she did. I'm just really tired..." she yawned into her elbow.

"Do you have work today?"

"Oh, no," she said. It was a full moon, and Rosalind always made sure to get the entire day off. "Day off today. I knew I was going to need it after the party..."

She saw Tyler making his way down the stairs. He raised a brow at her, confused as to why she looked so tired. "Good morning," she said. "Give me a second to clean myself up and then I'll go with you."

"Okie," he said, popping into the room and giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Mom."

"Morning, sweetheart," said Carol. "Coffee's hot, if you want some."

Tyler nodded and poured himself a cup. "Rosie, do you—?"

"Might as well," she said, stifling another yawn. "Can't go back to sleep."

He poured her a cup as well, noticing his mother had a glass of scotch in her hand. "Rough night?"

"Uh, rough week," said Carol. "I'm a little stressed. You?"

"Feeling pretty good," said Tyler happily.

"You know," said Carol, "if you're going to bring a girl home, I wish she'd have the tact to not sneak out like a prostitute."

"Doesn't mean a girl's a prostitute 'cause she sneaks out," said Rosalind, starting to drink her coffee. "Maybe she had a curfew she forgot or maybe..." she smacked Tyler on the back of the head, "Someone just didn't remember to be polite and offer for her to spend the night in a guest bedroom so she doesn't have to drive in the middle of the night."

"Yeah," said Tyler. "Caroline's not a prostitute, Mom." He sipped his own coffee and gagged. "Woah, I think the cream's bad."

"Really?" said Rosalind wearily. "Fuck, I'll eat anything if I'm tired enough, I didn't notice anything."

"I'll wait for you at The Grill," Tyler said, realizing she probably wasn't going to be ready in a 'second.' "I'm going to check on something at school."

"Sure," said Rosalind. "We still on for the ah... gaming tournament at Matt's tonight?"

"Yep," said Tyler. "Don't wait up tonight, Mom." He kissed her cheek and left.

Carol simply sighed. Rosalind finished her coffee and took her cup and Tyler's to the sink before heading upstairs.

She showered, cleaning herself off and praying she didn't get a UTI because she completely forgot to pee after she slept with Sophie the night before. She took some extra steps to clean between her legs just in case, and drank as much water as she could while still at home to pee and wash again. That was one thing she wouldn't miss once she became a wolf. STDs and UTIs.

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