Chapter 21

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Rosalind went to find Elena.

Klaus insisted he had a way to prove he could be friendly. She just needed to give him time to prepare his 'exhibit,' whatever that meant. While she waited for him, she wanted to see if everything had gone well with Elena and Esther.

She almost wanted to not find Elena. Klaus's words kept ringing in her ears, 'You fancy her,' over and over, and it made it look as if she had blush on her face, which she hadn't actually put on because they were running late.

I get jealous when other people talk to her. Especially when guys talk to her.

She's beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous.

I feel safe when I'm with her. Safe and happy.

She makes me laugh. She makes me smile.

Whenever I'm going to see her, I'm excited.

"She's your friend," she murmured, pinching her own arm. "You're crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed."

But all she could think about was Elena, hugging her when she needed it. Speaking with her daily and spending time with her all summer. Elena admitting to her she was bisexual.

Does she fancy me, too? Is that why she said all that?

Maybe Klaus needed to be a bit more helpful and tell her if Elena liked her back. How did he even know about her feelings, anyway? Was it really that obvious? Crap, what if Elena already knew?

The thoughts were shoved aside when she found her.

"Did you see her already?" she asked Elena once they went into the guest bathroom, turning on the tap so they wouldn't be overheard.

"I did," said Elena, her voice small. "Rosalind... it's bad."

"What is it? Did she hurt you?"

"N-No, but... she wants to hurt them."

"Hurt... her kids?"

"Yes. She... she took my blood. She wants to link them and kill them all at once."

Rosalind raised her brows. "Damn. Five birds, one stone. Impressive."

"No," said Elena. "But to kill Klaus she has to kill all of them, including Elijah. He doesn't deserve that. He's been kind to me, and honorable."

Rosalind sighed. "The only one that I like is Finn, and—"

"I think Finn knows. I think he's the one she's going to kill. I-I shouldn't have given her my blood."

"You do realize she probably would have taken it by force, right? Look, Esther is the one with the plan, your blood is necessary, but don't let yourself take the blame for it. It's not like there's anything you can do to stop her plan."

Elena winced. "I... I could tell Elijah. She plans to put the blood in the champagne to link them when they do the toast. Maybe if I warn him not to drink..."

"And how will you do that without the rest of them finding out? How can you ensure he won't storm up to his mother and kill her?"

"I can't not tell him." Elena was wringing her hands together nervously. "I can't walk out of here without telling him... he's expecting me to tell him what we talked about with Esther... what if I say it too soon and the spell doesn't work and she finds out and comes to hurt us? What if she hurts her kids anyway? And what if I don't tell them and they all die and I... I have to live with having been responsible for Elijah's death?"

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