Chapter 65

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A/N: To avoid excessive sadness and an only partial happy ending, I've decided for this to be the last chapter. It probably won't be very long. Thank you for those who have read this far and have supported this story. You're amazing!

Happiness was more within reach than they expected.

The following morning, they found the apartment was a mess. But, technically, nothing was actually broken. No one was home, but judging by the lack of sheets on the bed in Ruby's room, someone had been there quite recently.

"Oh, dear god," said Rosalind when she found a pair of boxers under the mattress. "How—? You know what, I don't want to know if these belong to Enzo or to Kai, and I don't want to know how they got there."

Elena tied her hair up. "I would say we leave the cleaning to them, but I'm in the mood to clean. What do you say we freshen this place up?"

"Only if it means we can shower together afterward."


They got to work organizing before they started to sweep, mop, and wipe down every surface in the house with a Cloroxwipe. Ruby came back with clean sheets when they were nearly done, scurrying into her room to fix the bed with a mortified look on her face.

"No shame," said Rosalind calmly, not wanting to make her feel more embarrassed than she already was. "Just return those boxers to the owner. I have no idea how they walked out of here without them, but..."

"Change of clothes," Ruby promised. "I don't think anyone would put on their jeans without boxers first, that's psychotic."

"And where are they? Should we expect them to pop up anytime soon?"

"Apartment hunting. And Gemini researching, simultaneously. Kai thinks he knows where to find the old prison world records. And Kai asked me to tell Bonnie about his idea to unlink Jo and Liv from the Coven, so I'll be meeting with her soon to discuss our options. She thinks it's possible, but that we'll likely need to tell Jo and Liv because they need to supply their blood."

"Mmm, speaking of Jo," said Rosalind, wagging her finger. "We should probably ask what they want us to handle. Baby shower, bridal shower, etc. We might as well offer ourselves up to help and let them assign us something to take some stress off of their shoulders."

"Ooh, I want to handle the baby shower and bridal shower," said Elena. "Caroline's definitely got the wedding, and she could probably double check my plans for the bridal shower, but I really want to plan the baby shower games."

"Prepare to lose," said Rosalind. "I'm amazing at baby shower games."

"When have you ever gone to a baby shower?"

She faked offense. "I was at Tyler's baby shower. Probably even your baby shower, and Caroline's."

"You were like, a year old! That doesn't count!"

"I went to several in Florida. My dad had more friends than just the pack members. Coworker would invite him and I would play for us. You know the one where you're not supposed to cross your legs or arms? I was so good at that one. I'd just go crazy lifting weights and doing leg exercises the day before so I could barely walk, and definitely not cross anything. Then, I'd force myself to crawl under tables, catching anyone who had their limbs crossed. I was also good at the one where you pass a carrot to each other between your knees, and then the one where you use your knees to drop pennies into a cup. I'm great at using toilet paper to guess belly size. Ooh, and I almost forgot the one where you compete to see who can drink orange juice the fastest from a baby bottle."

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