Chapter 60

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They left the fundraiser early.

After a few drinks and some dancing, they grew fairly bored. There was no entertainment, and Elena's intern friends were not in a chatty mood. Mostly sponsors were in attendance, and they were more interested in talking to Jo, who appeared to be the guest of honor.

Elena had the idea to sneak out for milkshakes and fries. Rosalind drove them out to one of the restaurants outside of campus. After they acquired their food, they snuck onto the roof of Whitmore House with a blanket and sat down while they ate, looking at the stars and listening to the distant music of a frat party happening down the block.

"I think Jo will have to forgive me," said Elena very seriously as she dipped three fries at once into her milkshake. "There was nothing to do there."

"Fundraisers aren't really my scene," agreed Rosalind. "My Aunt Carol liked when I made an appearance but I never enjoyed it. Not unless we're the ones asking for donations... which we weren't. At least with a task at hand, it's more entertaining."

"I'd rather be up here with you," said Elena with a smile. "And I'd much rather talk to you about my internship experience, not those old people with heavy pockets."

Rosalind placed a hand on her chest. "Technically, my pockets are pretty heavy, and I am older than you."

"By a year!"

"A year, two months, and three days, if we're being accurate."

"Well, then I'll be getting you a cane for your next birthday. Or better yet, an oxygen tank. Old lady."

Rosalind stuck her tongue out. "Young lady."

Elena twirled the fries in the air. "Do you still want to go back to school? Be honest."

"I do," said Rosalind. "If you're going to be a student, I might as well be one, too. I have nothing else to do. And after spending almost four months in a prison world, I've found that I miss having schoolwork. It's easier, as a hybrid. I can write quickly and read even faster. Memorization comes easy. And I do still like the idea of doing something with sports medicine. Will I end up being a physician? Who knows. I always did like coaching more. Money will never be an issue for us, anyway."

"It's strange, thinking of all of us as grown ups, planning our careers," said Elena. "Matt and Sheriff Forbes are going to take over the community protection squad now that Tripp is..." she mimed a slicing motion over her neck. "Matt wants to be a cop. I think he'd be someone good to take the Sheriff position once Caroline's mom retires. It'll be a long time until then, so it gives Matt plenty of time to gather experience. He's always been a protector, and he thinks about doing the right thing. He'll know how to keep the peace and keep the town safe without hurting innocents. Oh," she popped a fry into Rosalind's mouth, "and Jeremy is thinking of being an art teacher. Ric inspired him."

"Did you find out about what happened with him and Bonnie?" inquired Rosalind. "Caroline never messaged back."

Elena nodded. "Basically, Jeremy is still understandably hurt by the lack of a heads up when Bonnie died, but they're going to try and take things slow... work things out by setting guidelines to be more loyal and communicative with each other."

"That's good. They were always cute together. Except with the whole him cheating on her with Anna thing. Which, no offense, I know he's your brother, but I wouldn't have forgiven him for."

"I would never forgive someone for cheating on me, either," said Elena. "But, in the end, Bonnie gave him another chance. And it seems to be going well. Do you know what would be cute? If Jeremy became an art teacher at Mystic Falls High and Bonnie became the next Occult Studies Professor after Ric retires?"

Redamancy | Elena Gilbertजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें