Chapter 45

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Rosalind focused on the date.

Right now, thinking about the imminent collapse of the Other Side was just going to stress her out and help no one. She'd already told the group what Klaus had said, and Bonnie was trying to see if she could communicate with her Grams for advice.

Caroline had offered to question Dr. Maxfield and compel him so that Rosalind and Elena could go out without having to feel like nothing was getting done. The two had been very grateful, and were quick to get dressed and get going so that they could return early, and maybe get a few updates to plan ahead for the following day.

Rosalind drove them to a fancy French restaurant in the area. They were each wearing dresses, their hair curled and nails freshly done. The hybrid kept staring at Elena, wondering if perhaps her pupils were turning into hearts each time. She looked so perfect, smiling and telling her about what she might order. Rosalind just chewed on bread and stared at her adoringly. For a moment, things were just fine. Normal.

"It feels nice to be able to do this," said Rosalind while they waited for their meal to arrive. "We should try to do it often... as often as we can. Date night every other week."

"If our situation allows for it," mused Elena. "Just know that I'll be happy just being with you, Rosalind. Spending time with you, hearing all your ideas about what you want to do with your future... our future, together. Any time I get to spend with you, I enjoy. Everything with you feels so effortless, so natural. We don't have to plan ahead, we can just see each other and be happy. We can do spontaneous things and we trust each other. I didn't think it was possible to find that in someone. I thought I had all this experience with love, affection, dating, the whole romantic spectrum... but the reality is, I didn't know much. Because I had no idea things could be this way. Mature and natural."

Rosalind blushed. "Admittedly, I have no real experience. Mostly sex, hook-ups. It was hard for me to trust, to let anyone in for extended periods of time. You're the first person who's made me feel comfortable. From the moment we decided we were going to be the ones checking in on each other because we always checked in on everyone else. I've known for a while that this makes me feel safe, and happy. Which is what I imagine relationships should be like. Mutual respect, communication. We just click, without needing to be trying hard to find topics of conversation."

Elena beamed. "I think this was meant to be, Rosalind. I think we were meant to find each other. I want this... with you. I want... every bit of immortality, every bit of fun we could have. Studying whatever we want to study and living for centuries just... enjoying one another. I want us together, forever."

She tilted her head. "Elena, tell me the truth. Do you prefer it this way? Us being vampires? Or would you rather... we became humans again?"

She pursed her lips. "Some part of me will always wish and prefer that we be mortals. I didn't want to be a vampire. I didn't want to be immortal. But... it's not a requirement for us to be mortal, it really isn't. Rosalind, when I turned, I was so scared. Scared that I was going to suffer so much, that I was going to be miserable, that I was going to be drastically different. And then, when I became a vampire, you were there for me. You helped me through my transition, you trained me, you protected me. Helped me feel proud of who I was. Helped me see that I can be functional and happy. I don't care if I'm mortal or immortal as long as you're there with me. We can still be together, we can still have kids. Biological or adopted, it doesn't matter. As long as we want the same thing and we're prepared... we can have a family. Or if it just ends up being the two of us forever, that's okay, too."

"Elena," said Rosalind, taking her hand, "if I ever get a chance to obtain another dose of the Cure, I will bring it to you, immediately. I will give you that option, to choose which path would make you happiest. And I will follow you with it."

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