Chapter 35

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She barely made it downstairs in time.

"You okay?" asked Elena with a little laugh as she met her at the base of the stairs, wearing a black lace dress. "You look more stressed than April Young, and I was just with her, helping her decide between a red and blue dress."

"I couldn't really decide what to wear," said Rosalind, having decided on a black sweetheart top dress that stopped above mid-thigh. "You look beautiful."

"So do you," replied Elena, holding out her arm. "Ready?"

Rosalind smiled. "I am." She placed her hand on hers and led her out of the house and into the lawn where the stage had been set up.

"You would have been in this if you lived here," mused Elena. "I bet you would have won. The year before I did it, it wasn't all that impressive. You would have stood out."

"I don't know if I would have done it willingly. My aunt probably would have had to force me into it. I really don't have much to show. I don't do clubs, and I only volunteer when my aunt glares at me and makes me accept."

"But you do so many sports, and you're a natural leader. People look up to you, they trust you. And in the Lockwood family, that seems to be a really good thing. It's interesting how similar you are to your Aunt Carol without being blood related to her, or being raised by her."

"Right?" said Rosalind with a small laugh. "My dad used to tell me that all the time. 'You are just like Carol.'" She smiled. "I think he would have liked to see me do a pageant and win."

Elena squeezed her hand, saying nothing. Rosalind was glad she didn't.

They stood near a table as the event began, with Carol stepping onto the stage to introduce the pageant. "Welcome," she said, "to this season's Miss Mystic Falls." The attendees clapped. "We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making." The crowd clapped again, except for Elena and Rosalind, who shared a look and made silly faces at the prospect of clapping after every sentence.

"There's Caroline," said Rosalind, seeing the blonde rushing around. She stopped to listen as Caroline snapped at a waiter.

"Hey, why am I bussing your tables?" she said sharply, slamming some champagne glasses onto the tray he was holding. "I said no empty glasses." She then strode over to the orchestra, snapping her fingers at them. "Will you guys pick up the tempo?! This is a pageant, not a funeral."

"Oh god," said Elena with a giggle, having overheard as well. "And look..." Caroline was suddenly putting on a wide smile as she went to the stage to introduce the contestants who were going to walk down the large staircase leading out to the lawn. "With such ease... you'd never know she was mad."

"I almost envy that," admitted Rosalind. "I can try to fake it but when I'm mad, it's really hard to convince anyone that I'm fine. It's easier with other emotions."

"You shouldn't try to pretend you're fine when you're not," said Elena. "It isn't good for you."

"I have to be strong to keep the people I love safe."

"But how will you protect anyone if you don't first take care of yourself?"

Rosalind considered that. "I suppose so."

Caroline began to speak, making them quiet down. "Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court." The orchestra began to play a lively song. "We begin the procession with Valerie Fell, accompanied by Dylan Clark." There was a round of applause for Valerie. "Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsay."

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