Chapter 43

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The bonfire was uneventful.

Tyler had arrived sweaty from football practice, informing them that as far as Lockwood records went, there were no ties to Whitmore College aside from routine donations for charity. Rosalind asked why he hadn't showered, and he used the research as his excuse (then winked at Caroline as if to invite her to shower with him after the bonfire). As if his smell wasn't bad enough, there was smoke everywhere, and Rosalind couldn't really drink in peace.

"This beer is cheap," she told Elena as they served themselves from the keg. "And I smell every last drop of grime on the surfaces of these college students..."

"I'm trying to tune it out by sniffing this," said Elena, who had her cup close to her nose. "I hadn't realized how strong the scent of a fire would be once having heightened senses. It isn't fun. It never really bothered me in the past but now it does. Might also be because I don't have high hopes for this bonfire."

"Our time at the party got ruined last night," said Rosalind. "I don't have high hopes for anything anymore. I would have liked for us to come here to have fun instead of to question Jesse."

Elena shrugged. "We'll get our time, don't worry. As soon as it's safe, we can do anything you want. I'm thinking... Gilbert lake house for a weekend. We play a couple of games, we cook, dance... and see where things go."

Rosalind leaned back on the keg. "So... are you implying what I think you're implying?"

"I think I might be."

"What happened to getting to know each other a tad more and having some formal dates? We've only had like... two outings that didn't even end up going that well because someone was in danger or dying."

"I know you, Rosalind. And I will keep learning more about you throughout the entire relationship. Like I said before, I am willing to take that risk and just... go for it. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine."

Rosalind smiled. "From what I've heard so far, Saturday is the day of the Whitmore Historical Ball. Would you like to be my date? On Sunday, we can have a formal dinner. And... maybe make things official if you think we're ready for that. So that way, the lake house thing can be more special."

Elena perked up. "I'd love that, Rosalind. I am sure of this. More sure of it than I've been with anything in my life."

The hybrid made to respond, but drew a sip when she saw Jesse approaching. "Man of the hour, ten o'clock."

Elena glanced up. "Hi, Jesse," she said warmly once he saw them. "We were just getting drinks." She served him one, then handed over the cup. "Follow us?"

"Sure," he said, allowing them to lead him to where Caroline, Bonnie, and Tyler were sitting. "Hey, all." He extended his hand to Tyler. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too," said Tyler. "I'm Tyler, Rosalind's cousin."

"Football player, I hear?"

"Yep," replied Tyler. "You play any sports?"

"Not this year," said Jesse, sitting with them on some logs. "I started work as Dr. Maxfield's lab assistant, so I don't really have time anymore. Not that I really can, anyway, I got injured in January during a swim meet."

Rosalind gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry to hear that. Have you been keeping up with PT?"

"Yeah, but things aren't the same anymore. My mobility is limited. Oh, well. The research is more important, though. For medical school and all that. Maybe what I need is this time off for it to heal properly. Dr. Maxfield has worked with athletes before, he might be willing to help me or at least tell me which of his colleagues can help me, once I am comfortable enough to tell him more about my past."

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