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"Hey have you seen my other croc, I can't find it." I muttered to my brother as I hurried to get ready.

I was running late to my classes...again. It's not my fault, Mike js wakes up too early and expects me to be out the house by 5 am.

He's been taking me to my classes, he says I can't go anywhere on my own.

Can you believe him ? I should be the one saying that to him although it's been weeks since that foot of his hasn't been completely unusable.

"I don't know sos, but Mike waiting on yo ass."

I huffed and js slipped into my pink slides rushing out of the house as Mike honked the horn.

"SOS COME ON GIRL, DONT TAKE THAT LONG TO GET READY!" I heard him yell and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm coming, Jesus." I said to myself hurrying down the steps and hopping inside his car.

He looked at me then licked his thumb wiping the same thumb on my face and I tried to turn away.

"Ew Michael! I don't know where your mouth has been if I start to break out-

"You look pretty today." He interrupted before laughing knowing I looked a fucking mess.

I gave him the side eye and he shrugged, "What? It's true? The fit ass as hell though, gotta start waking up early kid." He said patting my head.

I just rolled my eyes and tried to fix myself up in the small mirror.

I was half sleeping in my class when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked up to see a pretty dark skin girl. She's definitely had a better morning than me.

"Hey um are u Solàna?" She asked and I looked confused on how she knew my name, I'd never seen this girl a day in my life.


"I'm liana I was told you'll be my tour guide today, it's my first day or do I have the wrong person?" She asked and I mentally slapped the fuck out of myself.

I totally forgot about this bs.

"I'm sorry rough morning, I completely forgot about  this." I apologized.

I made a mental note to yell at Michael about this on the way home.

"Oh it's fine, they just forced this on me I didn't really need one but it's an easy way to get me out of actually starting and possibly a way for you to skip out on classes." She said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Good cause lord knows I needed it." I said grabbing my things and heading out with her.

"They say we have lots of classes together but this one is the only one." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Rule number 1, don't listen to shit they say. They system fucked up so just be saying anything to be honest." I warned her and she laughed.

"Oh wow.. Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" She asked and I gave her a small smile saying yes before calling Mike.

"Hello to my favorite girl in the world, how's my future nurse doing?"

"Come pick me up, I'm excused from classes today and if you say no I will Uber my ass out this building so fast."

"I'm on my way sos, you so fucking lucky I love yo ugly ass."

I hung up smiling like a little kid.

Before I knew it he was here and I was in his car with the seat let back, his jacket hanging over my body as I slept silently.

We were at his house but I played sleep just to see what he'd do. He couldn't take me home because my brother would yell at us both for me skipping school.

"Give me hell all day and have the nerve to be knocked out in my passenger seat, can't even look at this girl and think bad thoughts." He mumbled as I heard him slam his door.

I was scared , was this nigga about to leave me in the car.

That was until my door opened and he picked me up bridal style. I opened my eyes with a small smile, "I think I made a friend today." I whispered and he shook his head.

"Go back to sleep, im the only friend you need." He said and i giggled closing my eyes.

"Think i need you ?" I asked him fading off as he carried me up the steps

"You need me js as much as I need you."

"Mhmm, you can put me down you know I don't wanna hurt your leg-

"What the fuck did i tell you sos?" He asked raising his voice and I nodded my head.

Right. If he doesn't say it's hurting it's not. Oh and stop treating him like he's still injured.

"Sorry." I mumbled and he unlocked his door and he sat me down on the couch. He turned on criminal minds and I sat at the edge of the couch because I thought he was mad at me, my eyes started to well up. Usually when I say sorry he says "it's fine" but no. Not this time.

He started to notice.

"Solàna come here." He said and I did.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked playing with my fingers, he sighed and placed my head in his lap and held onto my hand.

"No Solàna, never that. I'm sorry I raised my voice at you, I know how sensitive you are and it wasn't right of me, it won't happen again, I promise." He apologized pulling his jacket back over me.

"Stop doing that shit with your hands when you nervous too, im comfort to you. Remember that kid." He reminded me and I smiled before falling back to sleep, he was my comfort.


I watched as this girl slept quietly in my lap, what the fuck was i doing ? Why did I feel so responsible for this girl after that night? Why has she become the most important person in my life in the matter of 3 days? Why do I feel it's my job to take care of her now?

All these dumb ass questions and no answers, it's no doubt that I loved her before, something changed, this shit is stupid and fucking up my head.

All while in the mist of finding out why Dantè did what he did to me.

Me and Solàna...That shit is ridiculous, von was my closest friend, even if what he said was true- which it's not, i just never would even do that.

But we was in deep shit, and any day could be my day now, but i make sure I spend all my time with her.

It's getting bad out there, really bad and i js can't imagine scaring her like that again.

It's only 2 people im at peace dying with, my mother and Solàna.

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