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I woke up with Solànas body on top of mine, it felt good to be back in her presence.

The sound of my phone ringing had woken me up and it was Sos pops.

"Hello? Where is she? Is she hurt? What happened?" He panicked.

I cleared my throat, "She's asleep right now, the doctors are saying there's no signs of her being hurt physically. I think she was more hurt mentally than physically. She won't leave my side, and she um..you know has episodes every couple of minutes. She was hesitant on sleeping last night." I told him quietly trying not to wake her.

"Oh thank God." He said relieved that she wasn't hurt physically.

"I'll catch a flight tonight, me and the family should be there by tomorrow-

"I-I don't think it's good to have her around so many people right now." I tried breaking to him.

"What do you mean you don't think it's good ? That's my daughter ??" He raised his voice.

"Look she barely wants to sleep on her side of the bed and cried every moment i even get inches from walking away from her, she's too fragile to be surrounded by a lot right now. She was gone for almost a year, let her get used to being at home please. I'll call you back when she's up and okay so you can talk to her at least." I stressed over the phone before hanging up.

I know it must hurt being the father but I didn't think sos was ready, I saw the way she flinched when I touched her, the fear she had of even stepping into her own room. I didn't wanna overwhelm her.

Soon enough sos started to wake up but it wasn't like she normally would she squirmed like she was in pain and as soon as she opened her eyes her breathing became heavy.

"Don't leave me." She repeated over and over again until I sat the both of us up and looked at her.

"Hey I'm right here." I comforted as I held the palm of her hands.

She looked everywhere before settling her eyes on me and instantly holding onto me. I rubbed her back gently.

I picked her up and we headed to the bathroom, I placed her on the counter and took out the face wash and began to wash her face, she stared at me like a little kid and it felt good to have her pretty eyes back on me again.

I brushed my teeth, and she brushed hers standing right in front of me.

Once we were done I grabbed her hand and took her downstairs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded her head.

I took out the cinnamon rolls and sausage and eggs. I watched as her eyes lit up giving me the confirmation that she wanted this.

As I cooked the food, she stood close by me, everywhere I went, she followed. Even to the restroom, she stood right there behind me.

After the food was finished we sat down on the couch. She sat in my lap and I turned on criminal minds.

As we ate, she only paid attention to me. She watched everything I did before a small smile made its way to her face.

"What?" I asked confused and she pointed to the corners of my mouth and I licked them realizing I had icing on them.

I smiled along with her enjoying that she still had humor in her. I lifted her and the plates we had and placed them in the sink.


As the day went on, we didn't do much, I watched a couple movies with her, fed her and she just followed behind me everywhere.

We were currently in the bed watching Martin when she paused.

"I lost my ring." She said sadly.

I opened her top drawer grabbing the ring that was left behind, "It was at Vons house." I told her placing it on her finger.

Her eyes welled up and she started to cry. Somehow she still managed to look the prettiest. All my worries went away once again in her presence.

I wiped her tears and she snuggled into me and looked at her hand, "I missed it." She spoke softly.

"I missed you." I told her and she just smiled, "I missed you more."

"Sorry I had you here alone." She apologized and I shook my head.

"No need to say sorry, it's not your fault." I explained to her and she sighed.

"I know I just-

"Nothing, you're here now that's all that matters." I dismissed her feeling guilty if anybody should be feeling guilty it should be her.

She stayed quiet before she blurted out something, "I cheated."

Those words hurt because everyone knew who had taken her, it was Ace, who else could it be ?

"You didn't. You were manipulated. I wasn't and I still almost slipped up." I told her and she shook her head.

"I-I didn't cheat cheat like fucking you know so if you fucked somebody..." She went on and I smiled and sat her up in my lap.

"Only person I'd ever want to go that far with is you, stop it. You've got my word baby." I told her placing her hair behind her ear.

And then she started crying again, "I thought I'd never see you again." She cried. And I looked up at her.

"It's okay kid." I comforted and she wiped her tears on her own this time.

"I can't- I can't live without you, there's no way I could ever do that again. I can't Michael." She pleaded.

"You're not going anywhere and I'll make sure if that. Im always gonna be here." I said softly.

"Always?" She asked.

"Always." I reassured.


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