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I woke up at 5 am thinking of her, hoping that I at least made her comfortable for the night. I was stressed, there was still a few things I had to handle before I was able to have the life I wanted with her.

I remembered those books I saw her looking at and called one of the guards in here.

"Grab every book from the romance section and place them at Solàna's door."

She needed entertainment of some sort, it was too dangerous to let her have any connection to the outside world. Too risky.

I stared at my computer screen, sending emails to the last bit of people I owed.

Starting over was tiring and draining, but it'd all be worth it for a family.

As time passed, 8 rolled around and it was time for breakfast so I came out of my office and walked into the kitchen. Everything was made but Solàna was not here.

"She still wishes to eat in her room, sir." Carmen told me and even through frustration I remembered that I told her I'd be patient with her.

"Hand me our plates." I said lowly.

I brung them to our room but right as I opened the door she was coming out.

She looked at the cart of books then back up at me and squinted.

"Goodmorning, the books on the cart are for you." I told her and she just stood there and let me come in before rolling the cart inside her room.

She was still being quiet.

She grabbed a book and grabbed a plate from my hand and sat on the bed criss cross applesauce. She mimicked a child.

I sat at the edge of bed, watching her as she read and ate. She was gorgeous like I said, more than gorgeous if it was possible. Her eyes still squinted at the book.

"Do you wear glasses?" I asked and she looked up at me for a minute then back down in her book.

Not even a head shake.

This was getting hard.

I finished my food and she finished hers, I took both our plates to the kitchen.

I found myself holding 2 glasses of apple juice and one glass of orange juice on my way back to the room because I didn't know which she preferred.

When I walked back in she was making up the bed, "Carmen will do that, you don't need to." I told her.

She didn't care for my words she just continued to make up the bed.

After she was finished she looked at my hands, grabbing the apple juice and drinking it.

I could tell that this was going to be a long day with her.



After Von woke up I told him everything that took place with Solàna and he was just as pissed as I was.

He knew Ace had took her, he just knew it. Finding him afterwards was hard though, the police weren't able to track the Apple Watch.

And Ace or his people had just vanished, none of them were to be seen.

My house was so quiet without Sos, I missed her yelling, her voice in general.

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