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Kirishima's POV

As I climb up the mountain, I notice a cave to take a break at. I manage to get to the cave with my awesome rock climbing! But as soon as I stand in the cave, I feel something.

Walking further in, I look around, a gut feeling maybe?

I see a sword covered in moss and thorns. Did someone drop it? But before I could even touch it, I was in a new place. A blank space with nothing in it. Nothing but... a demon?!? Oh shit.

The demon is curled in the fetal position, hiding his face, but then turns to me in shock. "W-Who...?" I stutter out. My god... this is the demon Katsuki isn't it?!? "Oh... a human..." his voice is sad and low, tired sounding. I feel my fear turn into concern.

"You-uh... you okay dude?" I question. He looks at me with half lidded eyes, no life in them. "No. How am I supposed to be okay if they locked me away in this bullshit sword all while taking away my mate?" He scowls at the end.

"Wait... what?! Mate? What do you mean?"

"Izuku. He was my mate." He says, turning his head back to his knees. "I bet you were told a lie? I'm not surprised." Sighing, he hides his face.

Dude... this is... just sad. This big strong creature looking so heartbroken and defeated. "Look- I would love to help- but... if I do I'll be cursed."

"What? No you won't. This sword isn't cursed. Only a demon can curse and a human Wizard trapped me here. It will give you powers. Fire Blade, Regeneration, and Titan is what the sword can do. It will give you the power of Translate, Call, and Hidden. All very useful. You lose the power when I am resurrected or when you die. No curse or string's attached." Katsuki shrugs.

"And how can I believe you?"

"Did they tell you I bit Izuku?"

"Yeah and sucked his blood like a vampire." I cringe at the thought. This demon has huge saber tooth like fangs. So... ow.

"Ha. No. Not entirely true. For demons, biting the neck of someone is how we mark our mates. We mate for life. It's nothing to take lightly. If there's no love behind it, then the one without love for the other will get sick and die. It has to be mutual. Not to mention, Izuku did get pregnant. But they fucking beat it out of him literally. They fucking killed an unborn baby before it could even grow big. That's fucked up. They could have killed Izuku! Fucking idiots!" Katsuki got angry at the end, a dark aura coming off him. So this is what it looks like when a demon is angry? Scary!

But... if what he's saying is true... then they hurt the Angel on purpose because he was pregnant? Wait... HE was PREGNANT?!? I guess it's an angel thing? "By the way... how long has it been?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"Thousands of years..."

"Damn...!" He looks shocked, "This sucks!!" He groans loudly, leaning his head back. "Is he okay at least?"

"As in is he an intact sword? Yes, he's fine."

"Good. Can you... take me to him? When the two swords touch gently, both will be resurrected. If it's harsh then it won't work. But if one sword is destroyed, the other will be resurrected and the broken will die. Please, take me. Bring me to him. Set us free." Katsuki starts to plead, suddenly a small bit of hope in his heart.

I think, is this a good idea? No. Would it be worth it if it worked? Hell yeah. Bringing two lives together after thousands of years? Talk about a romantic fairy tale. "You know what- hell yeah! Ima help you bro!!" I smile wide and grab the sword, sent back into the cave. In front of me however is the demon. He's... physically here?? And damn is he tall as fuck.

"Thank you..." he smiles gently at me. "While the sword is near you within a certain range, I will physically be able to be here. Only you can access the powers of the sword now." Feeling the stone with nostalgic eyes, he takes in his surroundings.

"First, I'm gonna need to know how to use my powers. Cause uh... we're gonna have to fight our way through. No way are they gonna just let the dark sword come up to the light sword!" He nods in response.
-Info sword-

Fire Blade -
the blade is set ablaze and cannot be put out unless wielder drops sword.

Regeneration -
while holding the blade, the wielder will regenerate all wounds given in about a minute, depending on the severity of the wound.

Titan -
the sword may be manipulated into getting larger and longer, while staying the same weight. Only while holding the blade.

-info wielder-

Translate -
Can read, write, and speak all languages even old and forgotten languages.

Call -
the ability to call for the sword if it separates. Only works within a certain range. (Like Thor but with a range limit)

Hidden -
Silent footsteps without footprints on any surface, presence can be hidden, also able to hide emotions when in battle for better control.


Hey, I hope this wasn't too boring of a start. I thought of this idea and am trying to get it written down before I get bored of it. So, I'm gonna make the beginning a little fast and then slow down as I continue.

I know the truth came out the first chapter, but there's more to the story than what was told in this chapter. This was a brief intro chapter. So the others will be slightly longer and written with more detail.

Also, I wrote this chapter on my phone so it's not really great for writing.

One note:
my phone autocorrects angel to Angel, so I won't have it when I do it on the computer but I'm too lazy to keep fixing it. It's like how instead of spelling my stepmoms name regularly, it decides to autocorrect into all caps. Becki, no no- BECKI. Why??? I don't even spell her name like that a lot!! I don't use all caps that much!! What the heck?!?

But yeah, it's not supposed to be capitalized.

The Tale of Two Swords - KATSUDEKUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum