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Katsuki's POV...

"IZU!" I call out in the dark. I'm my younger self, a teenager. I feel nervous, anxious, scared.

I wander in the dark void until I see a shine in the distance. I rush towards it, hoping for something good. I see a window opened, the blinds flowing with the cold wind. Soon, I notice I'm in my old room. Everything is black and white. Looking around, I'm taking in the memories. Until a shadow covers the light, I turn to it. In the window, Izuku is crawling in, bleeding from multiple weapons impaling him. I rush to help him.

"Kacchan..." He coughs up blood. "I-... I lost it..."

"Lost what?! What happened?!" I beg him to answer me. "The... baby... is gone." He coughs. "They're... coming... they're coming for us..." His hot tears start flowing like a waterfall as he collapses in my arms. "They... they kicked me... and stabbed me... Who... who told?" He whines and whimpers. I can't do anything but stare in shock, holding him tightly in rage and grief. "We... We need run, Izu." I say, making him look at me. "We need to get out here!" I pick him up to leave, him groaning in pain. "Shh, I know."

But just as I reach the door to leave, we're surrounded by angel guards and demon guards. I hold Izu closer in fear. "YOU IDIOTS!! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!! You literally killed an unborn baby for what?! So you can stab him with blades?!" I yell in anger and fear. Just then, a human wizard shows up, two guards beside him holding swords. Are they going to kill us? KILL ME! NOT HIM! I mentally yell to myself.

The wizard starts to chant as the guards force Izu out of my arms. "DEKU!" I call out his nickname. He reaches a weak hand to me but I can't reach. "NO! STOP!!" The swords shine brightly as Izu is falling unconscious from blood loss. I'm struggling but I'm too freaked out to focus! "IZU!!" I yell one last time as he weakly smiles to me and the world is engulfed with a bright light.

I wake up alone... in a blank void. There's no escape. Izu...

Over many years, I hear people talking about the Light Sword Izuku. But I can't do anything. I have to wait... I know the only way to get out is if someone wields this sword I'm trapped in. I heard voices saying so. That all that needs to happen, or how they said it, "No matter what, we cannot let the Dark and Light Sword touch gently. That will release them both! Make sure it never happens! I don't care how- just make sure it's done!!"

It's so lonely. The silence consumes the air and is so thick it could suffocate me. I feel time is passing, but there's no way to tell how long it's been. It's torture. Izu... I want Izuku... I want to hold him... I want him to be safe and happy. Please... let them be nice to him. If I'm to suffer, have him without suffering.

Most times I cry silently, or sometimes I yell. I've tried to scratch my arms, remind myself I'm alive. But they just keep healing instantly. One other fact of this torture. I can't get hurt.

I will be trapped here forever... unable to feel. Unable to see my love. To even know if he's okay! No human would want to interact with a demon. And not to mention they've probably been told lies. No one would believe a demon. No one would listen the big bad evil demon king. And no one is going to listen to Izuku. We're both being tortured. Just because we love each other. I can't even imagine how Izu feels. He's alone, he lost the baby, his love, his life, and he's going through so much stress, I'm sure. Please be okay. Please Deku... Please...

I gasp awake, surrounded by worried faces. It takes a moment to recognize them. Oh... the humans. I pant trying to catch my breath, without even noticing the waterfall down my cheeks. They keep talking but I can't hear anything. It's too much. I want Izu... I want to hold him! I need him!!

After a few minutes, I calm down enough to understand what they're saying. I notice they've wrapped me in blankets and there's blood on them. My blood. Looking at my arms I see why. I scratched my arms. I can actually get hurt now... They're holding first aid, trying to get me to cooperate. "Are you okay now?" Mina asks worried, they all have tears flowing down their cheeks. They were... worried about me?

"I-..." I pant a little. "I just... want Izu..." I curl into myself, and let softer tears flow silently. The humans look to each other and decide to sit around me in a hug. I've never been hugged by humans before... it's odd and warm. Somehow, this makes me calm. But all calm has to be ruined at some point.


There's loud knocking at the door, snapping all of us out of grief. Mina goes to the door as I hide my tail under the blanket. "Yes?"

"Is everything alright? We heard a scream and crying? Is someone hurt?"

"No, no! Everything is okay. Our friend just had a violent nightmare. Everyone's okay! But thank you for your concern." She smiles gently at the woman, who smiles back. "I see. Well, I wish them comfort for the future! Have a better night!" She nods her head in respect and returns to her room.

"I never expected someone to care about a stranger... especially with that scary scream."

"I... screamed?" I ask in embarrassment, rubbing my neck. "Yeah, it was more like a mournful howl of pain than a scream. I mean- I thought someone was being murdered. Which... I'm assuming is what you had a nightmare about." Kirishima looks at me with concern and a small smile. "And don't you dare apologize, man. It's fine. People have nightmares! It happens! And you have a very good reason for having nightmares!"


"Doesn't this mean one of the Dream Angels or Demons gave you that on purpose?"

"No. Not memory dreams. Those are selected at random. The dreams that are weird, scary, or anything that doesn't have to do with that person's real life, those are controlled by the Dreams." I explain with a sigh. My eyes are sore and I feel drained. The worst part is, the sun is coming up. Not that I need sleep. It's just I really wish I could right now. "Also, I don't have dreams anymore since I'm attached to the sword. They don't give me dreams."

The group looks relieved slightly, but still worried. "Hey bro? If uh... if this all goes according to plan? Uh... I'd like to have a wedding for you two. A real human wedding! We could give you gifts and support you! I think it'd be a nice celebration of victory. I'd spend all my gold for it! You both need it!" Kirishima smiles at me, showing true support and good intention. I smile back lightly. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to see Izu in a wedding dress. You humans have so many designs." I chuckle quietly.

"OOOH! I'M GOING TO BE A BRIDESMAID!! If he lets me...?" Mina gets excited. "I'm sure he'd love that." I smirk. These humans... I don't know what has happened over the past years. But whatever happened, it made humans so much nicer. At least, these humans. True friends. Yeah yeah, I'll call them friends. I won't lie. Izuku will love these humans. I know it.

The Tale of Two Swords - KATSUDEKUWhere stories live. Discover now