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"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Katsuki and I hear Mina scream from a short distance away, we quickly run to her. "IT'S SO GROSS!!!"

It's... a bug. "Yeah... we're in the woods. There's gonna be bugs." I sigh. "BUT IT'S GROSS!!!"

"It's not bothering you, you're bothering it by screaming. Leave it alone, we're in it's home. WE'RE the unwelcomed ones!" Kat groans, then mumbles to himself. Something about... humans and... killing? Along with a few colorful words. "Besides, you look like a bug! I bet they think you're family!" Kat starts to laugh at his own insult. Mina gasps loudly, holding her hand to her chest.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" I sigh at their behavior. For once, it's not me being the idiot. "Guys... we're in the woods. AKA, there's animals and bugs everywhere. AKA... BE QUIET OR WE'LL DRAW ATTENTION TO OURSELVES!!!" I yell.

"Don't worry, all the dangerous animals left already from the scream."

"Wait what?! THEY WERE NEAR US?!"

"Not anymore."

Finally, we reach a town! This time, we have Mina, so she is in charge of the map. We check up on Katsuki's tail and make sure it looks real, then continue in. The one problem I see... HE'S SO FUCKING TALL!! He's like- 8ft tall!! Normal humans are like 5-7ft!!! Oh well...

"Okay. First place we need to go is Uraraka's house. She's a witch, so she may be able to help with some things about the spell and give us things to help in our journey. Don't worry! She's trustworthy!!" Mina assures us. I look to Kat and see him take a deep breath and scowl. Yeah, he doesn't have a good history with wizards and witches so I don't blame him.

"We just have to go to the edge of town! People don't really like witches... So, don't say that word while we're walking around! Wizards, JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE MALE, get all the fame and trust. Poor girls get the bad reputation. But, they're just as good... if not better..." Mina goes on to tell us more details. I didn't know that the magic world was so sexist. Like- what's the difference?! Witches AND Wizards are known for their tricks, prices, and dark magic. So... what makes it different if it's a girl vs a guy?! Absolutely ridiculous. Girls can be manly!!

We walk through the town, a few stares at Kat for being tall, but they eventually look away when they get a feeling a fear. He's not happy right now. And I know why.

All over the streets are signs about the great Light Sword and it's healing powers. Then there's some plays going to happen about the legend. A few "danger" posters of what the Dark Sword looks like. And the many guards eyeing every single person and their weapons. Luckily, I could fit the sword into a different sheath, so it's not obvious. But it doesn't fit perfectly, so we'll have to get one for it. In a town over a know a blacksmith who can probably do it.

"Alright, we're here." We stop at the edge of a small forest patch. I say patch because it seems to only be around a small hill, but there's lots of trees blocking the view. We climb up, watching for branches, also watching for any guards. Guards will tend to act like they don't find you suspicious but then tail you. Kat says he can't smell anyone.

We knock on the door, hearing a few things clanking together frantically behind the door. The door creaks open into a crack as we see a girl peek through. "Hello?"

"Hey, Uraraka! It's Mina! I brought some friends!" The door opens suddenly revealing a very excited girl with brown hair, a messy dress, and what looks to be a stick in her hand. Maybe a wand?

"MINA!!!" She squeals, then pulls us inside, shutting and locking the door fast. "Oh thank gods you're here! I've been having so much trouble with the guards and- OH! Sorry. My name is Uraraka. I'm sure Mina told you I'm a witch. DON'T TELL ANYONE PLEASE!!!" She's... energetic.

"Well we have a secret for you to keep too." Kat says with a low growl. Uraraka looks at him for a second... the room is silent. She keeps staring then looks like she just thought of something. "OH!! YOU MUST BE THE DARK SWORD KATSUKI!!!" She gasps with her hands on her head. Mina face palms and I just sit and watch in confusion. What the heck? She... she guessed it?

"WAIT WAIT!!" She continues to freak out. "WHO HAS THE FUCKING SWORD?!?" She looks at me. "Oh no..." She gives me a face that reads "Oh... HIM..." She coughs then continues. "So, I can already assure you I know the real story. All witches and wizards are told the truth. But of course, witches and wizards are both not trusted with everything they say so it's not like anyone believes us. AND YET THE WIZARDS GET THE CUSTOMERS!!!" She takes a deep breath. "You'll need some stuff, huh?" She questions, going to a cabinet to grab a few plants and... bugs.

"And if what you said is true about witches and wizards being untrustworthy... how do you know that you know the truth?" I ask.

"Oh, well. Let's see if I'm right." She turns to Kat. "You, the king of the demons, fell in love with the prince of the angels Izuku. But of course, that was taboo. When news got out that he got pregnant, they were quick to... "remove" the baby and lock you both away in swords. They told the humans lies to make sure you both never are released."

"Well fuck. You're right." Kat looks surprised. "Do you know about the healing shit?"

"I know that angels have healing powers. But rumors say it comes at a cost. But I don't know if it's true or not. But with how you asked me, I assume it DOES come at a cost."

"Yeah. It drains the powers of the angel. But, if used too much, the energy it takes will kill the angel."

"Oh... shit..." Now she gets it completely. "WELP WE NEED TO HURRY!!!" She goes to her cauldron. "You'll need scent blockers. They have dogs guarding the temple. Those dogs are trained to smell hidden weapons and demons. Luckily, they know when mutants aren't demons. So, Mina, you're safe. Then, you'll need invisibility potion to hide the sword or yourselves. And maybe a few healing potions. Some poison antidote, a lie potion, truth potion, and..." She mumbles more things to herself. "SHIT!! I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FOR THIS!! Not to mention..." She continues mumbling. "I GOT IT!" She turns to us. "Let me come with you! I can provide magic support as well as potions whenever they're needed! I can collect things along the way and use them to help!!"

"Are you sure? It's dangerous... and if someone finds out you're a witch..." Mina tries to reason with her friend.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But. People are already suspecting me. If I leave, it may be actually safer for me. Plus, I'd love to help! I was obsessed with the legend for years! I told myself if it ever came down to it, I would totally help whoever got the Dark Sword!"

"Then I think it's a good idea. Especially if she's already being questioned. With all these guards and snoopy neighbors, she'll probably be found out soon. But what about your home?" I ask cautiously and out of concern. She smiles and laughs. "This? Oh, easy! I can just destroy it and make a new one! Magic does absolute wonders!!"

"Then get ready. We need to hurry before Izu gets murdered by these fuckers." Kat growls, I bet he's still upset with the idea of a witch being with us.

After Uraraka has gathered necessary materials into a bag, we exit the house and she makes it disappear into nothing... like... "WAS THERE A HOUSE HERE AT ALL" kind of nothing! We start to make our way down the hill when we see a few guards at the base, weapons drawn. Uh oh...


Wattpad: SickBoy547

AO3: I_Am_A_Vulture

The Tale of Two Swords - KATSUDEKUWhere stories live. Discover now