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Mina's POV...

WE'RE READY!! The theatre is actually decently full! Over half the seats are taken! I'm so excited!! Kat wasn't doing so well in rehearsals but he eventually was decent. Maybe his poor acting will help conceal him!

Soon, everyone behind the stage is ready. Costumes are on, lights are set, Uraraka is dealing with effects! But uh... where's Katsuki? "Kiri? Have you seen Katsuki?" He shakes his head with a worried expression in response. "I haven't. I'm kinda worried. Maybe making him relive his tragic story is a bad idea..."

"Don't be silly! He's a big bad demon! He can do it!"

"Yeah, a big bad demon who hurt himself after having a nightmare of a memory while sobbing." Kiri deadpans.

"Oh... true... Well, it's too late now." I suddenly realize what he means. I think Katsuki would have been able to do this... if it weren't for the fact he has to have a fake Izuku while reliving his terrifying past. Yeah... maybe a play wasn't as good of an idea as I thought. And I feel bad for thinking this... but if he does cry during the play... it would be very convincing "acting" to the crowd. But I don't know if he'll scratch himself again.

We eventually find him eating a whole pigs worth of meat. He's a big guy. At first I thought maybe stress eating but then I realized he's a giant man, of course he eats a lot. "Hey Kat? You okay? I realize this might be... stressful for you?" I question carefully.

"I'll be fine." He grumbles, taking another bite. "Yeah, well... if you need us to do anything for you, we'll do our best in helping you! You know that, right?" I nervously suggest. He nods and continues to eat. "And don't eat too much! If you get stage fright all of it will come up!" I laugh slightly, elbowing him. He scoffs and whines a "yeah yeah" while waving me off.

Soon, things are going to get interesting!! Let's just hope and pray nothing goes wrong!

"Kat! We're starting!" I call out as he lumbers over in what appears to be annoyance. "And no matter what happens, after this, I'm going to have us take a stress relief day. No danger, no stress. Maybe we can go to a hot spring or something? You especially need it. Just one day." I offer with a smile. He smiles slightly and nods. "Yeah, fine."

The lights turn off. The crowd goes quiet.

(I will use the names as if they were the people, not the characters playing them.)

Third POV...

"Dammit! I want something MORE!" Katsuki growls, looking angry. He's actually doing a great job acting so far. "All of this and no fucking happiness!" But then he looks like he has a thought. "If things won't bring me joy... a person will! The prettiest angel! I'll have him!" He growls with a smirk.

Izuku appears.

"You can't just take whatever you want, Katsuki!" He yells. "I'm a person! Not some item!"

"You dare fight against me?! I could slaughter you!" He growls, showing his fangs. Hurt behind his eyes. "I don't fight against you! I'm standing up for myself! I've had enough of everyone bowing to your will!"

"HAH! Everyone bowing does NOTHING for me! I need something to make me happy! I'll steal whatever it is! And what other great prize is there than the prettiest angel? Izuku. Hahaha! More like DEKU! You just sit around and look pretty all day long and act all high and mighty! At least I do some effort in getting what I want! You just have your servants at your beck and call!" The crowd gasps at the nickname. Izuku glares at Katsuki. "You can't steal happiness." A smirk appears on Katsuki's face. "Yeah? Well I'm gonna try anyways!" The characters stomp off set.

The Tale of Two Swords - KATSUDEKUWhere stories live. Discover now