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Katsuki's POV...

I put a temporary curse on the priest. Simply he can't lie, he is forced to obey, and can't trick us without inflicting harm on himself. Such harm depends on how deep the lie is. If he flat out spits full lies, he could be paralyzed and in pain for 5hrs, no breaks. And I wouldn't even do anything. The worse case scenario with this is he lies so fucking much that he breaks bones or gets internal bleeding. But I think he wants to live.

The curse is kind of like a contract in a way that it ends when a condition is met. So we could do this for years and he'll suffer until we're both free. Sorry not sorry, bitch. And I could curse him with immortality so he's forced to suffer forever while being chained to me. When he dies, I am so begging God for him to send him to me. After all... affairs are a sin. And Izuku is technically married bitch. HA! A demon bond doesn't just break if one wants out. So, it wouldn't work either way. I'm just pissed he's even trying.

The only way for our bond to be broken? Is if we both say a spell at the same time. Which, guess what? Izuku doesn't know that spell. Hehe! If he ever wanted, I would tell him though. I'm not that cruel.

We walk past the town we were just staying in, the guards looking worried and on edge. Some of the civilians are parting like the red fucking sea. But what's really strange is some people, even a few guards smiling. The people who saw the play, who know about the real story, and actually want us to get back together. They're all smiling and giving winks and thumbs up. Making others confused.

Some people who watched the battle either backed away in fear or watched in awe. Even if they didn't believe the story, those who watched could all agree... Shoto was being an asshole.

"Why are you so determined to set you BOTH free? We'll just trap you again." Shoto questions with venom. "Ha! As if! As soon as we're free, we're running. Who the fuck cares about being the king and the prince. We both agreed we'd rather be together than be apart. That was when I gave him the mark. Which, for your information. You can't break it."

"There has to be a way!"

"I'm telling you... you can't break it." It's not a lie. HE can't break it. But I'm hiding my smugness.

"Hey Kat?" I look back to Kirishima, gripping the chain harder. There's a little girl who is walking up to us... or me. I look down at her as she looks up nervously. "Are you really the demon king?"


"And the play... it was the truth... wasn't it?" She asks, looking more sad than scared. "Yes." I say quietly. She looks at her hands and then gives me a hug. "I'm sorry for your loss. But... you can have another baby right? I think you would be a good daddy." She smiles wiping a tear from her eye. "My mommy just recently lost her baby. And my daddy says it's her fault. But... you seem like a good person. I never did full trust the stories we were told. I'm glad they're fake." She hugs my leg again, this time I pat her head gently. "Thanks kid... I really appreciate this. Humans have changed a lot." She smiles and runs off back to her mother who was crying, but they quickly turned into proud tears as her daughter explained. "And hey," I speak up to the human woman, she looks shocked. "Leave that guy. He doesn't deserve you and your daughter. Kick him out and find someone better. There's always someone better than scum like that." I smirk, trying not to curse in front of the little one. We start to walk again.

As we walk out of the town, the air changed. It was filled with small whispers of concern rather than fear. Some were smiling, saying how they never imagined how nice the demon king could be. And how gentle the demon king is with children. And I've never heard such praise before. Some mothers even said "Good luck" to me in genuine smiles. This... feels nice. To be... praised. To be gentle. To feel almost loved by everyone. Accepted.

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