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Kirishima POV...

"FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!" Kat yells through the forest, birds and animals scattering. "HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I smile nervously as I try to explain what happened. 

"You see what happened was..."


"Mina, this is a bad idea." I nervously followed her. "We need to go back before they wake up."

"Nope! This is gonna be great!!" She laughs and continues her hunt. "They'll be so surprised when they wake up to a FROG IN THEIR MOUTH!!!"

"It's almost winter, frogs aren't gonna be active!"

"Oh please, this is a magical world of demons and angels! There has to be something!" I facepalm as we continue. "And why am I being dragged into this?" I ask, sighing in defeat. "Because, my red haired friend, you are excellent in capturing animals!"

"Is this based on that party 2yrs ago...?"


"For fucks sake... THAT WAS A CAT THAT WAS HIDING IN A CORNER!! I GOT SCRATCHED UP BAD TRYING TO SAVE THE POOR THING!!" We walk the next few minutes in mostly silence. The occasional cackle from the excited prankster.

Suddenly, a loud thump is heard. We freeze, slowly looking behind us to witness my worst nightmare. A GIANT FUCKING FROG THAT'S THE SIZE OF AN ELEPHANT!!! "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I scream and run, going back towards came to get the sword and have Katsuki help, leaving Mina without looking back.


"So, you ran away, leaving your friend to fend for herself with a giant frog? And now we have no clue where she is, if she's alive, or if the Frog is dangerous at all?"

"... yes." I gulp in embarrassment. "I PANICKED!!" 

"HEY GUYS!" The familiar voice rings in their ears as they turn to see... MINA RIDING THE FROG?! "WHAT THE HELL?!" I hide behind Katsuki. 

"Oh, that explains it." He says monotoned. "This is a holy beast. This one probably guards this forest." HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?! WE HAVEN'T SEEN A LOT OF HOLY THINGS!!

"This is Tsu! She's guards this forest. She thought we were lost! She was worried when you ran! JERK!" She yells at the end. I shrink and apologize to both Mina and Tsu. 

"How come you humans are with the demon king?" The frog speaks up, a croaked voice. "I'd never expect that."

"They're helping me get Izuku back. We even have the priest who guards him as a hostage. We're sorry for intruding. We're just passing through to get to the temple." Katsuki looks so formal and refined with this frog. He even nodded his head in respect. WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT IS THE HEIRARCHY?! "Shitty Hair, behave. Stop looking like a fucking gold fish." Kat insults me as my jaw is stuck open. "Tsu, right? Do we have permission to pass through?"

"Of course, kero. I know a short way through to help you. I'd be happy to help. Kero." Tsu smiles happily. Aw... this frog... she's nice. "Anything for the demon king!" She croaks happily.

"Wait... why do you treat him so well despite the rumors? Do you even know of them?"

"Oh, yes. I do know the lies. However, I was part of the truth. I was Izuku's friend. He wouldn't stop worrying about Katsuki and fawning over him. When they finally made up, and probably done some making out, Izuku was ecstatic! I felt so happy for him. Sadly, I didn't know he was pregnant until it was way too late. They were both in the swords by then! So Katsuki is a close friend in my own view."

"Damn, he was that obsessed with me?"

"Yes, kero!" She laughs. "Don't tell him I said this, but he would practice drawing you since you two could hardly see each other. And I must say, he was an excellent artist when it came to drawing you!" Katsuki laughs as if he's talking with an old friend and nothing happened in between. It's... refreshing to see him so casual. "But, you may want to hurry out of the forest, I'm afraid. Tonight there will be a huge storm that will flood most of the woods. The mud will be thick and hard to walk through. Not to mention wind and rain pounding on your backs, kero."

"I see, thank you. Let's get the priest and get moving then."

We meet up with Uraraka and the grumpy priest who has MANY bug bites, then pack up to leave with the fro- I mean Tsu. 

As Tsu guides us through the forest, we notice the clouds darkening. "It seems it's going to start early!" Tsu croaks. "Better hurry."

Soon, the first few drops fall upon us. But by the time we get to the edge of the forest, we're a little wet. Luckily, the next town is right here! The priest keeps trying to itch his bug bites but he can't use his hands. It's so funny to see him wriggling trying to scratch at them!! That's how you know he's a city boi. 

We say goodbye and head to the next town. We make it to an inn in time before it pours. Thank God!! I thought we would end up sick! Wait... Can Kat get sick?? 

I immediately curl into the warm blankets of the inn, enjoying the soft warmth. This entire time however, Katsuki and Shoto have been arguing. I have been ignoring them this entire time because I cannot mentally deal with that bullshit right now. I smile, taking a deep relaxing breath as I sink further into the softness.

"YOU FUCKER!! SAY THAT AGAIN!!" Katsuki yells. 

"I SAID: No wonder you got caught! You can't even understand what I'm saying! You're stupid!"


"If I had been more prepared-!"


"OH MY GOD STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!!" Uraraka yells over them. Me? I'm just trying to snooze. I gave up on those two back at the forest. "IF YOU BOTH DON'T SHUT YOUR MOUTHS SPITTING PLAYGROUND INSULTS AT EACH OTHER, THEN I WILL KNOCK YOU BOTH OUT AND TIE YOU TOGETHER FOR THE REST OF THE TRIP!!!" Damn. She's done.


"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT, KATSUKI!! IF HE STARTED IT, YOU END IT. EASY!! NOW SHUT UP!" The two rivals huff in annoyance and look away from each other. Yeah... mature. I can understand a human but Katsuki has lived thousands of years!! DUDE, WHERE IS YOUR WISDOM THAT COMES WITH AGE?! Then again... he WAS stuck in a sword for most of that time.

But at least they stopped arguing now. I can actually relax. "And Kirishima." Oh no. "Take responsibility for your weapon. If it goes screaming, it's YOUR job to quiet it down."

"HEY!" Katsuki yells.

"SHUT UP!!" Ura and I both yell. This... is so annoying...


So... tired...

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