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Katsuki's POV...

There it is... the temple... Izuku... I'm here.

Shoto has been acting weird. Being unusually quiet and stubborn. Like he's pretending nothing is wrong... I swear! "What are you trying to hide?" I ask Shoto, who flinches, realizing he has to answer honestly.

"My father could defeat you easily." He grumbles, hating the curse. "When he finds out, not only will you be killed... but I will also get in trouble for being weak. This is bad for both of us." He huffs in annoyance. I smirk. "Don't be so sure." He looks at me with confused shock. "He's not just facing the demon king anymore. This demon king has friends. AND a hostage~! Not to mention, as soon as Izu gets out, you all are doomed. He may be a sweet precious angel, but you all killed his child, trapped him, and are keeping him away from his mate. So, don't think he won't be pissed. Angels are very powerful. Heh, he could probably defeat me if he really wanted to." I scoff, smiling at the image of everyone being afraid of Izu. 

"Why do I have a feeling that you'll get turned on by that...?" Shoto cringes. "Heh, cause it's true." I assure him. 

Walking up to the temple, the guards all are stiff and unsure of what to do. I walk with confidence, holding the priest with a tight grip on the chains. If anything goes wrong, I'm not afraid to burn this bastard until he is covered in 3rd degree burns. He must already have a fear of fire due to his eye scar. 

"By the way, where did you get that scar?" I question him as we walk through the town of people. "Why do you want to know?! To make fun of me?" He suddenly coughs up blood. I don't even blink. "Ugh! FINE! My mother poured boiling water on me because my left side looks so much like my father, she got scared." I stop us. "The fuck?!" I turn to him. "Don't blame my mother-!" 

"I'm not!" I yell back, interrupting him. "I'm blaming whoever the hell your father is! For your own mother to be scared of her husband and the fact that her child looks like him... how much of a monster is this man?!"

"Horrible." He replies simply. "He'll probably beat me when this is done."

"Permission to kill him?" I ask, continuing our walking. "Hah, as if you could. He's the head priest. More experienced in demons than I am."

"But say I could, can I kill him?" I just go with it so that I don't argue. I'm in too good of a mood.

"Yes. You can kill him. But then you would be hated for killing a priest." He says smugly but honestly.

"Yeah, well, I'm already hated for loving an angel."

"But it's changing. I know you see it." He looks to his feet, probably fighting with himself about the situation. He must be feeling the effects too. "Look. I'm not going to stop being a demon. I can only curse people, torture the dead, and be feared. I'm not a bad person. I'm just a bad being. I treasure Izuku, heck, I'd worship him. He's the most important thing to me. I would die for him. Nothing can change my mind. And I know for a fact, that they drilled lies into your head, too. You just are now noticing. The evil demon king ain't so evil now, is he? He just wants to live happily with his love. I know you're feeling the same as the other humans. You're starting to see I'm not the bad guy in this story, I'm a victim. But you're fighting that, gripping onto your belief, what you find comfortable. No matter how much comfort it gives you to ignore it, it will still be the cold bitter truth. No lie can truly cover the truth. There will always be a flaw." I explain calmly, not even looking at him.

He stares at his feet, not responding. I can tell I hit something. I won't push. I may be a demon, but I am far from cruel. Even if I appear to act cruel, I have a reason for everything. Like how I threaten this man's life, but when Izuku is free, I won't kill him. I won't kill him because he's not the one to blame. I'd totally do it if he tried something with Izu afterwards, but not just because. He DID help us.

The Tale of Two Swords - KATSUDEKUWhere stories live. Discover now