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Katsuki's POV...

They fucking dragged me, threw me in a fucking cage, then put me in the filthy dungeons. You little shits...! I wish I could curse demons that work for me... But nope! Only inferior demons who don't have any respectability. This is the horrid life of a demon king.

I'm sitting in my cell playing with my tail because there's literally nothing to do. I know for a fact I can escape this cell. However, that would only make things worse. But if they didn't lie to me about Izu going into a dungeon, I'll be pissed. I'm 98% positive they just locked him in his room with extra security. He probably even gets to roam. Meanwhile, I'm sitting on the floor of a filthy cell too small for me. They couldn't put me in a Hell Beast's cage?! Some royal treatment this is!

Eventually, the general of my army shows up. "Hey Midnight." I groan. She's a succubus so she's always dressed kinky and always carries a whip. Like- jeez we get it. You're a sex demon, chill. But she insisted on being the general probably because of a dominatrix kink or some shit. Either way, she's annoying.

"Hey, Katsuki~! I see you've been caught! Sorry I couldn't be there, I was... busy." She smirked at the end. Got it. In bed with someone or whipping someone... or both. "Please tell me I'll at least get a trial?" I groan. "Sadly, no. Your punishment is already decided."

"And that is...?" I question, almost not wanting to know the answer. "Don't worry about that, hun!" Don't... worry... about it?! "IT'S MY FUCKING PUNISHMENT AND I'M SUPPOSED TO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT?!" She just shrugs with a smile. "I was told not to tell you, sorry~!" God I hate this woman. If I could, I'd fire her just for being annoying. But no, she's amazing at her job. "Oh how I've missed your brooding~! You always made everyone in the room shiver in fear!!" She holds herself and smiles while blushing. Oh fuck no. I swear if she says- "It can turn a girl on~!" And I'm so fucking done with this shit.

"You're taunting me, aren't you? Just because you can since I'm in a cage?" I groan, rubbing my face. "Only a little~!" I roll my eyes, sighing heavily. "Just... is Izuku really in a dungeon?" I ask smugly, knowing the answer. "No no no! He's being pampered back into health!"

"HEALTH?!" I snap.

"Well... yes! He is waaaaay too depressed because of you~!" Because of me, huh? Not the people who kicked the baby out of him, trapped us in swords, and are now punishing us just because we love each other? "I think you mean because of YOU. All of you! You kicked the baby to death, you stabbed his fucking wings with spears, you trapped us both in swords, kept us apart for thousands of years, then chained us up to go separate ways and I'm the one getting the punishment?! WHAT LAW DID I BREAK?! THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST LOVING AN ANGEL!! Halflings exist!" I yell, furious with her and this whole situation.

"Well... the angels claim they didn't know he was pregnant~!" She nervously smiles. "Bullshit and you know it." She coughs awkwardly. "Yeah, I do. But look Katsuki... You're a KING of DEMONS. The royal family of both sides of this must have a biological child that is PURE. If a halfling is born?! It is a disgrace! I don't make the moral rules!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, sure. And why the fuck can't we all just agree that we're all equal and that we don't need to have separate kingdoms! Why can't we travel between Heaven and Hell?! Why can't I love an angel?! Why does it have to be a pure child?! IF IZUKU AND I WERE TO BE TOGETHER THAT WOULD MEAN-"

"STOP!" Midnight yells, interrupting me. She breaths deeply, trying to calm down. "Katsuki... the angels believe you're using magic on him. And you very well know, that demons... despite being SAID as equal, are not. Angels are above us, literally and figuratively. We are trash compared them. THEY make the rules. THEY decide what's right and wrong. We just have to follow their orders." She says quietly. "I know this isn't fair. And... you two are such a cute couple. But with the angels ideals, we are no match. We would have to start a holy war. And trust me, it would not go well."

I sigh, realizing what she means. Angels and Demons are said to be equal. But we're not. Angels hate us for being us. Angels believe we trick, steal, and destroy. There's no way to convince them otherwise because well... you try telling a bunch of stuck up angels to talk to a demon to see if they're right. No, you can't. Because they don't care if they're right or wrong. They do what they want just because they're pretty and powerful. Well... demons are powerful, too! But angels... They have God protecting them. We don't. All the demons have is me.


I know a way! "Midnight!" I call out before she leaves. "I want to start a war."

Kirishima's POV...

This is bad. I overheard them say something about memories. If they erase our memories of Kat and Izuku... oh God. We'll lose our friends... We won't remember our journey, our friendship, the fun times!

Luckily, they put us all in the same cell. We're no threat to them. We're in Heaven I think, seeing as there are lots of angels and no demons. Does that mean Izuku is somewhere down here?! No... I feel like they lied about him being in a dungeon. That isn't how angels would treat their prince. But for some odd reason, it is how they treat the demon king.

We've been sitting in silence except for the occasionally sob from Mina or Uraraka. Shoto is also in here seeing as he was involved. He's kinda pouting... I think? It's hard to tell. "Guys... this isn't right..." I start, getting their attention. "I feel like they're going to do something horrible to Kat. But... I'm also worried KAT will do something horrible! We have to do something!"

"Oh yeah? How are we gonna fight against both demons and angels? We're human. Not some super beings. You made it this far because of the demon king. If you didn't have him, you wouldn't have defeated us." Shoto rolls his eyes.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" I quickly shut up as the guards look in. "Sorry..." They turn around and continue their work. "But... Kat would want to start a war. Izuku will want to escape and go to Kat. Plus, we don't know what Kat can do! We've seen him use brute force! No weapons, no magic, we've seen him curse the head priest and that's it!! What if he does something dumb?! I know we're not super beings! I know we're not great and powerful and brave! We're humans! But humans do one thing right! We're stubborn! I have an idea. But... it's not a wonderful one..." I look to them with hurt eyes.

"We need to get back to our world. We need to start an uproar among the humans! We have to get them to protest and... do something! It's the only way we can fight back... But if they take our memories, we won't remember... And even if everyone else tells us, we won't remember the plan! It's possible we make the same one- but still!! We also don't know how long it'll take! We can't just let this happen!!"

They all sit in silence thinking, except for Shoto. "This is dumb. Let the holy beings punish us appropriately and we'll be done. This isn't our fight anymore. It never was." The girls glare at him, then look to me. "So, we just have to find a way for them to set us free with our memories intact?"

"Yeah!" God... I hope this works. And God, if you can hear me, you're a bitch. Sorry but you're cruel. Like- starving humans, famine, tearing lovers apart and punishing them for loving each other? That's what an asshole would do. Use their powers to fuck with innocent people. So yeah, fuck you.

Well then... we see all sides of what's going on. We have all different plans brewing. But... is this going to end well with 3 different plans going on at the same time?

Also, I found out how to do the fancier text and I'm so happy!!!!

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