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Third POV...


The first attack was from the priest, a ball of fire launched at Katsuki. He let it hit him. "HAH! Fire? Against a demon?!" The room was full of tension. Guards wondering if they should assist their priest. Some just running away. "Don't be so cocky, foul beast!" The priest smirks as Katsuki looks where the fire hit. There was a broken bottle of holy water on the ground. He just stares at it for a few seconds in silence. "You realize... I'm the demon KING, right? Your son already tried this shit on me."

The priest stares in shock at the lack of effect. "Experience in demons?" He turns to Shoto. "Maybe lesser demons. But ha! Me?! I'm the strongest demon there is!"

Katsuki launches himself like a agile tank towards the priest, who attempts to dodge, but gets grabbed by one of Katsuki's claws. That attack gave Katsuki multiple possibilities. If they try to dodge, grab them. If they face you head on, grab their sides and pierce their skin. Headbutt, continue to ram into them, punch them, so many options. 

Now that the battle truly begins, Katsuki has shut off everything except his opponents movements. He doesn't notice that some guards got pumped for them, and decided to join their side. Nor did he notice the few guards who ran or who stayed to fight against them. Or that Shoto got out of the chains but was watching in fear. Everyone else had a battle to take care of. 

Katsuki through clawed punches, bit down on limbs, and used brute force to attack the priest. He never liked using many weapons.

The priest would use holy shields, knives, and kept trying to grab under his robe. But Katsuki kept him away from whatever it was. He reached once more before it fell out of his hand. A small dart meant for a crossbow rolls on the floor. 'That must be it.' Katsuki thinks, 'the weapon to kill me!' But continues to focus on the battle. Now, the priest's attention was on the dart and getting to it.

Kirishima knew what his role was. He had to get the sword to Izuku! But being surrounded by guards and fighting with them kinda makes it hard to get there. He knows as long as he can sneak away, then he could possibly release Izuku. If Izuku is released, Katsuki said that he would be mad. Meaning this fight could completely change up! "NO DEATH!" He calls out to the guards beside him. No... soldiers!

Mina is spraying the guards with bottles of acid, slicing them carefully, and kicking them with enough force to leave a dent in the marble wall! 

Uraraka has a spell just for this. "POTENT MIST!!" A poof of mist envelops the room, making it hard to see the opponents. Katsuki uses his heat signature vision. Meanwhile, Kirishima can react easily to the hidden attacks. Mina needs no vision for her fights! She can fight with her eyes closed! And Uraraka can make barriers to keep surprise attacks away from her.

Though it may be a doubled edged sword, she knows for Katsuki, this is a huge advantage! The mist is scentless. Meaning he can continue to smell his opponent!

Shoto stares at the now foggy battle in fear. These people... they're fighting for their lives! This demon that was supposed to be evil literally ASKED if he could kill his father because of how shitty of a person he was! He didn't blame his mother, he didn't blame him, no... He knows who to blame. He knows who to kill and who not to. His father however, he doesn't plan on letting go. He can feel rage directed towards him after the confrontation. his father, raging, has no clue what this demon is capable of! Neither does he! His fight was short and pretty much decided from the beginning!

No priest can use their typical methods against him! Holy water, fire, holy shields, everything they have to fight demons with, they are no match for Katsuki. And Shoto is realizing just how powerful this demon is. He can occasionally see the light of his father's fire lighting silhouettes of the demon and his speed. That silhouette is basically a blur going at insane speeds! 

Should he fight for his belief? Or should he fight against his father? These people, despite being the enemy, never mistreated him. They would laugh and be casual. Too casual in his opinion. Yeah, they made fun of him a little. But to them, it was all in good fun. They fed him, gave him water, gave him a bed in the inn, and never purposely did anything bad to him. They would make jokes that brought up trauma, but he understood they don't know that. These people are not evil. They're regular people who believe in what they're fighting in. They don't want anyone to die. They don't want to win the war, just the battle. They want to free Izuku and leave. It isn't about pride, power, or riches. This is all about love and passion. They don't want a war. So... who's side is he on?

Katsuki growls, suffering a few small cuts, but luckily is able to keep the priest away from the dart. He keeps yelling at Katsuki, but of course, Katsuki hears nothing. His face, painfully stale, threatening and focused. The priest is starting to realize without that dart, he stands no chance. He's almost out of stamina, he has bleeding scratches and bite marks throughout his body, nothing too severe. Which irritates him more. This ferocious demon is fighting him, tiring him out, and he's not even trying while he's doing is best. But no matter what the priest says, the demon doesn't even blink an eye to it. Like he's deaf! 

Finally, Katsuki makes the priest land on his back. Before the priest can rise, he slams his clawed feet onto his chest, pinning him.  He looks down with focused eyes, letting himself hear. "Surrender."

"N-never! You're an evil demon! I refuse to die by your filthy hand!" Katsuki growls and readies a punch. "Then too damn bad, because it's gonna happen." All he needs is one blow to the head. He would be able to break the man's skull, smashing his brain and instantly killing him. "I, King Katsuki of the demons, hereby curse you for after death! You will be bound to Hell with no chance of rebirth! You will suffer by my hand every day! I will personally torture you until you beg for mercy! And I will not grant you such a privilege. I curse you to suffer by my hand for eternity!"

Just as he was about to punch, "HEY!" The room freezes. Katsuki's eyes start to water and his body shakes. The mist clears to show Izuku standing proudly beside Kirishima. They all stare in shock and awe at the beautiful power... and fear. 

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