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"Please Kacchan. Be careful. They're coming for you."


Katsuki's POV...

"Wow! I can't believe you made such a good show!" The theatre owner comes up to us. "I really thought no one would like it!"

"I DID!" The random background guy runs out with a bunch of snacks.

"Ahem... As I was saying... How did you come up with this? In such a short amount of time as well? The cost... the acting... it all was marvelous!"

"Well... we're just really interested in changing the idea of the legend. There's so little that we actually know, but we treat it as if it's the only truth. But, there is probably way more to the story than what we know today! Maybe it was love, maybe it was rivalry! Or, as our story, it could be both! We want to change everyone's thought process with it. Angels are kind. Demons are people too. They can feel love, hate, greed, sadness, and fear." Uraraka explains with a smile. "So, this idea was made full of what we believe the story really was about. And if you think about it, if there's forbidden love and people are trying to cover it up, they lie a lot. But, there's always hints to the truth!"

"Wonderful! And you, how did you show so much powerful emotion?! And to cast such a similar looking character! Brilliant!"

"I felt like I had gone through the same thing..." I smile sadly.

"And of course, the part where you whispered to Izuku, "I missed you so much." was so powerful! It held true emotion in it! What are your names? You have talent!"

"I'm Uraraka, this is Mina, Kirishima, and... well... we'll have to explain first. His parents were fanatics of the legend and named him Katsuki. He of course is not the real deal." Uraraka smiles and laughs. "EVERYONE always asks if I'm the demon. It gets kinda annoying. Dang parents had to name me after a famous demon king that everyone sees as evil..." I growl.

"I see! So you were meant to play this role! Quite incredible! How would you like to do another show?" I look to Mina, we were going to have a rest day...

"Well, we're sadly only going to be here for a little bit. And we do want to rest a bit after all of this. But we do appreciate the offer. We might do it some more in another town as well! Thank you for giving us this amazing opportunity!" Mina smiles brightly and shakes his hand.

"Very well! You could have a great career ahead of you! You're truly talented artists! I wish you luck!" We thank him and start heading to the inn after cleaning up. I don't need sleep, being an immortal demon. But right now? I want to plop on a comfortable bed and sleep for days. I guess for an immortal demon, sleeping is a hobby?

The next day, we head to a hot spring. Many people stopped us to compliment the show. We were polite and listened to their praise and criticism. Some suggesting adjustments, or things they didn't like that were minor fixes. Some were upset with the fact that Izuku was pregnant and assaulted by angels. But uh, sorry. That's the truth.

"Welp! Ura, let's head to the women's! See ya boys~!" Mina grabs Uraraka and drags her off. "Oh shit. My tail..." I look at it, but Mina pops back up out of nowhere. "OH! Don't worry about the tail! I made it have a waterproof lining! Some water may get in, but in the changing room you can dump it! All good!!" Then disappears. Well okay then.

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