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Izuku's POV...

It's been a while... Shoto has not appeared recently. He left and hasn't come back... It's been silent.

I'm nervous. What does this mean? Did he find Kacchan?! Did he hurt him?! DID KACCHAN HURT SHOTO?! OH NO!! If he did...! It'll make everything so much worse! Oh Kacchan please let the priest live!!

I take deep breaths, stretch my wings, and sigh. "This is okay. Kacchan will find me. He won't hurt the priest and he'll find me. I just have to wait."

Kacchan and I have known each other for pretty much our whole lives. We met one day when he was hurt. The next visit, we grew closer. The next even closer. Soon, we were inseparable. The two young princes being buddy buddy was definitely not a sight they liked. Especially when Kacchan would hug me and cuddle. Or when he said "MY DEKU!" when protecting me. As we grew up, Kacchan changed. Around our teenage years, he suddenly became more violent. Even towards me. But he never hit me.

When Kacchan was violent, he would scream, curse, spit insults, and sometimes fight. But I knew something happened. I just didn't know what. But when I found out... oh I was pissed.




"Kacchan! Why did you change?! You're causing so much havoc and for what?!" I beg.

"I just did, okay?! I'm not something that can stay contained! I'm a fucking beast meant to hurt, steal, and cheat!! You think I want this shit?! YOU THINK I DON'T WANT YOU?! I HAVE SINCE FOREVER!!! BUT EVERYTIME I TRY TO BE WITH YOU, THEY TELL ME HOW I COULD NEVER DESERVE YOU! THAT YOU'RE TOO PERFECT FOR A BEAST LIKE ME!" My face went pale. They told him... he doesn't DESERVE me??

"KACCHAN THAT IS A LIE!! YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING EVERYONE ELSE DOES!! I don't care if you're a demon! I DON'T CARE!! I care about you! FUCK! I LOVE YOU KACCHAN!!!" I curse, then cover my mouth in shock of my confession. He stares in shock, perfectly still. "Kacchan..." I mumble nervously.

"Did you mean it?" He asks coldly.

"What? Of course!" I protest and look hurt. He walks over to me with his head down. I'm getting nervous! What is he gonna do?! Will he slap me?! I shake in anticipation.

He is inches from my face, looking into my eyes without expression. "Then fucking kiss me, nerd." A chill runs down my spine as I don't even think and just obey. He kissed back! I blush bright red. "Now don't fucking leave me." He looks to the side, a slight blush to his cheeks. SO CUTE!! I hug him tightly and whisper, "Now you say it." with a smile.

"Ugh, fine. I love you, Izuku." He... he said my name?! He pats my head and smirks. "What? You thought I'd forgotten your name? You better not have forgotten mine!" I laugh and hug him tighter. We laugh together and hug, unknowingly being watched. And unknowingly being judged.


Kacchan and I haven't fought seriously since then. Only silly things, or mocking. But to the outside viewer, Kacchan was always mistreating me. Calling me an insult name, yelling at me, roughhousing with me, they saw him as too wild and crude. But that's because they never saw what he was really saying. What he was really doing.

If I could go back and never confess, I wouldn't. I wouldn't dare not confess to him! That was a happy moment in my life I'll never forget. Do I regret getting pregnant? NO! I wouldn't change a single goddamn thing!! I love Katsuki! And if that means we get rejected harshly? Too damn bad! I know who I love! And not a single creature in this existence can possibly make me change my mind! I will never go with another! I will never betray him! So Shoto can go fuck himself!! Cause he ain't getting me!

"Did you hear? The demon has been found! He defeated Reverend Shoto! With ease apparently. Rumors say that Reverend was being very cruel to the demon."

"Yeah, did you hear about the kid though?"

"No, what about a kid?"

"A kid walked right up the the demon and said "Sorry for your loss" and the demon smiled and patted the girls head GENTLY! Then told the mother who had a deadbeat husband that she deserves better and to kick him out!"

"No way! The demon king?!"

"Yeah! Everyone's starting to see he's actually really nice! And the play his companions put on? It told the true story, and people actually believed it and felt so guilty after they found out it was true. I sense a huge change!"

"Maybe the demon and angel can get back together peacefully and we don't have to do all this drama! That'd be nice!"

"Yeah, but remember. Even though they defeated Shoto and are using him as a hostage, if Father Enji finds out- he will definitely do what he can to take down the demon!"

"True... I hope they'll be prepared... I want this whole feud to be over with already. We were wrong and it's so obvious."

Kacchan... Whatever you're doing... keep doing it! But wait... Oh no... Enji!! Enji will kill Kacchan!! Oh please Kacchan work your strange people magic and befriend Shoto!! Even though he most likely talked about me to taunt you... JUST DO IT FOR ME!!


And I'm tired. I slept 0 hours last night!! :D


BUT OH FUCKING WELL! THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!! Btw guys, thanks for all the attention. I've never had a story get this popular this fast. I know it's not popular, but for a small time writer like me? Huge deal. :3

Love you all!!!

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