Tomorrow We Stand

936 19 4

I get woken from a peaceful dream by Jake shaking me gently, a look of concern on his face creating a panic to begin within my body.

"What's the matter?" I mutter, sitting up and wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"It's almost noon've slept over 12 hours today. Are you alright?" My eyes widen at this revelation, not knowing I had been asleep that long–I didn't realize I could honestly sleep that late.

"I feel fine...I honestly don't know why I slept so long.." He places a kiss to my forehead and I feel the tension begin to leave only just slightly though. "What's wrong Jake?" With a sigh, he squeezes his eyes closed briefly before looking at me with a troublesome look.

"I got a call from Seth. It seems the Italian vamps are on their way.."

"Then we should get over there as quickly as possible." I respond, throwing the blankets from my bare legs and shiver slightly at the temperature change, before I feel his warm hand stop my movements.

"I don't know if you should go with us Ads. I'm worried something is going on with you–"

"Jake, we're going as witnesses correct? If what they were hoping is true, there shouldn't be a fight–" I try to calm his nerves as I change into warmer clothes that I can still move around in if necessary, and I feel his worried gaze bore into my back.

"But on the chance there is, I don't want you in the middle of it. Please." He grabs my arm to stop my movements, and turns me to see the turmoil in his eyes and it hurts to see it there. I place my hands on either side of his face and watch it fade only slightly.

"I have these gifts for a reason Jake. To be able to help you all, especially with something like this. We can always find a way out if it gets too bad, but I've made the decision to stand with you to protect Seth and his imprint." He resigns, hanging his head low placing it against my forehead, so I wrap my arms around him in comfort.

"We're going to be alright Jake, I have a feeling."

We stand in that quiet moment for a bit just enjoying the closeness of one another, and I know he worries but something within me tells me we will make it out of this, our brothers and sisters will be safe and be able to live their lives in peace after this. I try my best to convey this to my husband without words, and as he gathers me into his chest I think he finally trusts me.

"Gather what we need, I'm going to call Sam and let him know we will be moving north." He mutters before placing a solid yet powerful kiss on my lips, and moving himself towards the stairs.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and wish away the nausea that came with the worry of how the day will continue. I grab for the duffel bag I had packed a couple days ago and make my way downstairs. I see Jake get off the phone, and without words we head out front to the car and once we're loaded up we make the somber trip to the Cullen's. Conversation is nonexistent as Jake nervously taps on the steering wheel, making me grab the closest hand and offer him some peace, and that at least grants me a small smile in return. As we pull in, Seth jogs outside to greet us, and my heart drops as I see him without his characteristic smile on his russet face.

"Thank you." I hear him mutter to Jake as he pulls him into a hug, and as he backs away his eyes land on me copying Jake's look of worry. "Addy you–"

"Don't even start. You have been like a brother to me since I've got here. I'm going to do what I can to protect you and your imprint." I smile softly before I'm suddenly attacked in a warm hug, and we stay in that moment until he pulls back thanking me as well.

As we go to follow him inside, Jake protectively grabs my hand and tugs me closer to him causing me to notice the increased amount of bodies within the Cullen household, and the red eyes that send a shiver down my spine. Sticking closely to Seth we finally make it to where Nessie sits on the couch while her parents loom above, making me feel pity for the nightmare this child has been put through already.

"Addy!" She perks up with an excited wave making me smile at her sweetness before joining her on the couch, the feel of small daggers being glared into my back not going unnoticed.

"Hi Ness. You doing alright?" I don't quite know what else to say in this sort of situation, but I appreciate her kindness in such a stressful time. I feel she could bridge the gap well between the wolves and the Cullens, even if her mother would rather her not be near me..

"I'm doing okay. Seth and everyone else are really stressed though..." She trails off while looking around her and I just simply nod.

"It's okay, because Seth and your mum and dad made sure that there are so many friends near, that nobody is going to let anything happen. You are well protected sweet child." I smile softly as I watch her nerves begin to melt away, and a little bit of light returns to her eyes.

The conversations slowly die once Carlisle steps into the room and everyone seems to wait on what his next words will be. "We head towards the clearing tonight. We'll set up camp for those who need sleep, otherwise I suggest everyone prepare for tomorrow–however that may be for you."

Everyone begins to move, bidding Renesmee goodnight, I stand with Jake and we leave the house to find Leah and the others. I offer Leah to sleep in the tent with me, so she doesn't have to spend the night in wolf form, but with this amount of vamps around she'd rather be prepared and I can't fault her for that. Jake and I quickly make our way to this specific clearing and waste no time setting up the small tent for myself and possibly him if he can find it to relax a bit.

"Addy..." He sighs deeply and I know what's coming. "If tomorrow goes sideways and fighting breaks out..." He runs a hand down his face and he won't look at me, my heart aches with his turmoil and I know where he's coming from but I can't bear the thought.

"Jake, hey." I grab his face and have to force his brown eyes to meet mine. "Let's not think about tomorrow or what might happen. Okay? We'll be alright, I'll be vigilant. You've got to trust me."

"I do trust you Addy, it's these bloodsuckers I don't trust. They could flip on a dime and you'd be in the line of danger."

"That may be true, but we've got to trust our friends, and those that want to protect Ness just as much as we do."

He sighs, closing his eyes tightly and I can feel his worry fill the small area. Without any other words, he pulls me tightly into his chest and we live in that moment for a while, knowing tomorrow could go south but hoping beyond hope that it doesn't.. The mood is somber as I pack into my sleeping bag, and as I'm about to slip into peaceful unconsciousness, I feel a warm arm pull me close and it's all I needed to know we will be alright.

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