Anxiety Doesn't Go Well With Vampires...

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The entire ride home is tense. The boys are mulling over what they've just agreed to, and my anger begins to flare, knowing how stupid this idea is. Jake pulls up in front of the house and I quickly slide off the bike, storming towards the house not wanting to talk about what just happened.

"Ads? Hey, Adelaide." I hear Jake come up behind me, gently grabbing my elbow and I spin to look at him.

"What Jake?" His eyebrows jump into his hairline shocked, obviously not expecting me to be this angry.

"What are you so upset about? The party was fine—"

"This isn't about the party Jake. It's about you, so willingly jumping in to risk your life for someone who wouldn't do the same." I exclaim unable to keep my anger under control.

"Ads...This isn't just for Bella. These bloodsuckers could attack the Rez. I'm doing this to keep you and everyone else we love safe." He explains gently, attempting to console me, but my anxiety builds knowing my track record of losing people is pretty high.

"You think this is the only way to protect us?! Most of those bloodsuckers would rather see you lot dead! How can we trust them?!"

"They want our help Adelaide, they also want to save lives. They won't turn on us—" He declares firmly, and believes it wholeheartedly, but I have a bad feeling about all of this...

"This time! What if— I just...I don't trust them Jake."

I say hopelessly, looking at Jake as I feel the traitorous tears build in my eyes, and his eyes soften as he pulls me into his chest. I wrap my arms tightly around him as the tears begin to fall and all I can think is that somehow this'll go bad and I could lose both Jake and Sam...and I don't think I'd survive that...

"I can't lose you. Or Sam. You're all I have left." I mutter tearfully into his chest, knowing his wolf hearing will pick it up.

"You won't. I promise. That's why we're going tomorrow to learn how to stay alive. Hey," He pulls back, wiping the tears from my cheeks with his warm hands.

"I promise we'll all come back in one piece, okay? We're made for this, remember?"

I nod slightly and he pulls me into a desperate kiss and I can feel his conviction of his words and it reassured me just slightly, the pit in my stomach still churning.

"Stay with me tonight?"

The words unwillingly spill from my mouth as we break apart from the kiss, and I see his hesitation, but I know in order for me to be okay I need him to be close.

"Sam would kill me—" He begins and I can tell he wants to grant my request, but the worry of angering my uncle holds him back.

"He'll understand, I'll tell him it was my idea... My–my nightmares are back, and...I don't think I can handle being alone tonight."

I hate feeling so weak, but I'm not lying.. My accident has been plaguing my sleep, along with watching Sam and Jake being taken from me.. The revelation of newborns coming to attack, has me feeling like a wound ball of anxiety slowly losing my mind.

"Don't worry Love. I won't ever leave you."

He kisses the top of my head before leading me inside and up to my room. I suddenly feel drained from my minor anxiety attack and simply just crawl into bed, Jake soon following after he kicks his boots off and he wraps a protective arm around me, pulling me into his chest. I soon drift to sleep to the sound of Jake's strong heartbeat, the worries for tomorrow melting away in his embrace.


When Jake's alarm blares the next morning I reject the idea of getting out of bed so early and simply snuggle closer into Jake's warm form, hoping he'd just shut the bloody thing off and stay here instead. Jake chuckles as I bury my face in the crook of his neck, leaving a soft kiss in my wake.

"Ads, I've gotta get up. That meeting is in thirty minutes." He struggles to get out in his morning voice, and I know that kiss surprised him.

"The other lads are going, they can always just catch you up later." I mumble, still not liking the idea of them going and fighting a bunch of uncontrollable vampires.

"Adelaide." He pulls back, forcing me to look at his suddenly serious russet face. "We talked about this last night. Everything is going to go smoothly, okay?" I look into his molten eyes, and I believe him.. I just can't let go of the feeling that something bad is going to happen..

"Okay." I respond meekly, before following his form out of my bed. "But I want to come with you, to the meeting."

"What? No, Adelaide. Stay and get some rest."

Jake looks at me like I've gone mad, but it seems he has forgotten that I'm invisible, and I have force-fields, which could be a helpful distraction with these newborns, and that way I could make sure the boys are protected. He slips his boots back on, and I quickly throw on a jumper and follow him down the stairs and into the dining room, where they plan to wait for the others.

"Did you forget that I too, have abilities that could help you lot against these newborns?" I question, Sam looking between the two of us seeing as we both just came down the stairs, but I'm not focused on that now.

"Ads, I'm not going to let you put yourself in front of these uncontrollable vampires, when you've barely had any chance at developing your gifts-"

"What-? No, Adelaide you are not coming along." Sam butts into the conversation, finally realizing why I'm arguing my point, and I roll my eyes.

"Why not? I have the abilities, I can help! I'm not going to sit on the sidelines while the lot of you go out and get yourselves killed against these newborns." I look between the two most important men in my life, and it just strengthens my conviction to join them.

"This is our job Adelaide. Yes you have abilities, but that doesn't mean they can be useful against vampires, and I'm not about to put you on the front lines just to prove that theory. You'll stay here, with Emily."

"Sam--" I try to further defend my point, but he just looks at me sternly, and now I understand what the boys talk about with his "alpha stare".

"No, Adelaide Katia. You are to stay here." My eyes widen as he pulls out my middle name, and drop my head knowing I won't win this.  "And don't think I didn't notice the two of you coming down the staircase together--"

"I asked him to stay Sam. My nightmares are back, and I knew I wouldn't sleep with this newborn stuff going on." I state simply, watching as Sam's eyes soften considerably, but I ignore it heading into the kitchen to get some water and get my emotions under control.

"Why didn't you tell me your nightmares were back Addy?" Sam asks softly coming up behind me, and I quickly wipe a tear from my cheek.

"Because there's no way to get rid of them Sam. So it would've been pointless to have you worry over something neither of us can control. But Jake..he makes them go away, so I asked him to stay. I'm sorry." I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Sam's warm hand on my cheeks, wiping the water away and bringing me into his warm frame.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm sorry I assumed incorrectly. I wish there was something I could do about your know you're safe here, right?" I nod into his chest, not wanting to leave his comforting embrace, knowing that here is the safest place I could ever be.

"I know, and I can't ever thank you enough for all you've done for me Sam. I just..You and Jake are all I have left, and I told him this too, but I can't lose either of you. You have to promise me that the two of you will be safe with this. Please." 

"You have nothing to worry about Addy. I promise you, we will all come back in one piece. Okay?" Sam brings my eyes to him, and the truth in his chocolate eyes calms the bundle of anxiety in my chest, and I feel slightly better and I nod as he brings me in for another hug.

In a short time the other boys had gathered in our small dining room, and they soon leave to the rendezvous  with the Cullen's, and I'm stuck in a suddenly too quiet of a house waiting for all of this to be over with, ignoring the feeling of dread creeping back into my stomach.

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