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"Hey Sam—" I say as I come down stairs a couple days later, only to find the living room empty.

"They had to leave a bit ago. The vampire, she's closing in on the lands." Em says, turning slightly from the stove.

I head in her direction, seeing that she's nervously baking–a habit I discovered she had whenever Sam and the boys had to leave urgently.

"They all went?" She simply nods.

"They'll be alright." I say comfortingly as I come beside her and help with the muffins. She simply nods again.

I hope they'll be okay... I've—ever since Jake and I talked, it seemed my feelings for him have gotten stronger? Become more present I guess?

I was able to talk with Sam, and he finally was okay with the fact that Jake imprinted on me. It also helped that he knows I can kick his ass if needed, that made me laugh a bit.

Emily and I spend about a good hour or so baking, not sure when the boys will be back.. until the house gets a phone call that is...

"Hello?" Em answers quickly wiping the flour from her hands. I'm about to load this batch into the oven when I hear Emily gasp.

"Oh my god...O-okay, let—let Sue know we'll be over soon, and that we'll bring some food." Em sets the phone down with shaking hands, and I'm absolutely worried.

"What happened?"

Thinking it was the worst, which one of the boys was hurt? She sniffles a bit, putting together a platter of muffins quickly. I grab her arm gently, knowing she's upset.  Was it Sam?!

"Harry Clearwater.." another sniffle, "he had a heart attack. He—he didn't make it.."

"Oh Em..." I pull her in for a tight hug.

I didn't know Harry for very long, but the Clearwater's were always very nice to me. I feel very terrible.. I hug Emily for a bit longer, another sniffle and then we hurry down the way, muffins in hand.

I follow Emily to another house not too far from ours actually, and I stay close as we walk into the sorrowful atmosphere.

"Sue-" Emily says gently as we walk into the kitchen and I place down all the muffins.

The two woman embrace tightly, Sue being one hell of the woman she is, has a slightly broken but still strong front on.

"I'm so sorry." I say quietly as I bring her into a tight hug as well. Knowing how this is all too well, I offer my help with whatever she may need.

"Thank you dear, but I'll be alright." She smiles sadly at me, her comforting hand on the side of my face. I nod with a smile and decide to go and find if any of the boys are here.

Wondering through the house I stumble upon Jared and Embry who are sitting with who I believe are the two Clearwater children. See I only met Sue and Harry a couple times before.. I feel terrible for these two.. I know how this feels...

"Hey Addy." Embry says and the boy's smile sadly at me.

"Hi. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Just know if there's anything you need, anything at all, you can come to me. I've been where you are, and you don't have to go it alone."

I say with a sad smile, which is returned by the boy but met with a scoff by the older girl as she gets up and leaves. I send a confused look to the boys, but they just shake it off.

"Don't worry, that's just Leah." Jared says with a shrug.

"Thank you. By the way. I appreciate it. I'm Seth by the way." He says with a warm smile and I find it's contagious despite the mood in the house.


After being introduced, Seth chats for a bit before going to find his sister, and I've asked the boys if they know where Jake could be.

"Oh, he said something about finding Bella?" Jared rolls his eyes.

"I dunno, the red head jumped off the cliffs and apparently Jake saw her there...? I dunno. Sorry Babe." He says with another sad grimace and I'm slightly upset.

Not at the fact that Jake went to protect his friend from a psycho vampire, but because this girl has a habit of making everything about herself... Jake needs to be here, with his brothers, comforting these people who are like family...

I'm starting to like this Bella girl less and less...

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