Learn Something New

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It's been a couple of weeks since Jake and I went to Port Angeles, we've been on a couple beach and coffee dates since then and I still can't wipe the dumb smile off my face. Nothing's been made official yet, but I can't help but fall for this boy more and more.

Weirdly enough we haven't had a visit from the red headed bloodsucker, giving us all some time to relax. It's also been pretty nice without Miss Debby-Downer hanging around here, I'm not gonna lie but I'm not a fan of Jake's friend...

Today will be interesting though, there's to be a counsel meeting today and Sam wants me to come along in order to ask and gain some insight on my disappearing act. Apparently this isn't in any of the legends, that we know of anyways, and we're hoping the elders will know a bit more.

"You ready Ads?" Sam asks from the other side of my open door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say with a sigh, tugging on Jake's jacket once I see how gloomy it is outside.

"It's going to be fine Adelaide. These guys are used to weird."

"But what if this is too weird? Or I could be some danger or enemy to the wolves—"

"Addy!" Sam turns and gently grips my shoulders.

"It's going to be fine! Honestly, if you're gifts were some sort of danger, then Jake's wolf wouldn't have chosen you. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Sam pulls me into a tight hug still seeing the worry on my face.

"No matter what happens, I'm not your mother Adelaide. I won't leave you." With his words I tighten my hold, really appreciating Sam's strength.

"Thank you." I say pulling back, sending him a genuine smile.

"For everything and more Sam. I wouldn't be able to do it without you."

We walk the short distance to, surprisingly Jake's house, learning that this is where the counsel usually meets. Sam leads me inside and I am greeted warmly by the men and woman there.

"Adelaide, I'd like to officially introduce you to Billy Black, Old Quill Atera, and Sue Clearwater, our heads of the counsel."

"It's nice to finally meet you all." I smile lightly as Billy rolls forward with a big smile on his face.

"So you're the one—"

"Dad, I'm going–Addy?" Jake comes bounding into the room interrupting his father, but a big grin crosses his face at the sight of me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had the—" Jake finally breaks eye contact with me to look around the room.

"Oh. The meetings at my house."

It looks like he's mentally kicking himself as he drifts to my side. I can't help but giggle at his monologue, but that only earns me a gentle, teasing nudge to my side.

"As I was saying before being interrupted," Billy says smiling at Jake's close proximity. "You're the one Jake hasn't shut up about."

"Dad!" Jake exclaims making Sam and I laugh. I don't think I've ever seen him so embarrassed.

"So you've been talking about me?" I ask with a smirk, and I see pink tinge his russet cheeks.


"You're all he ever talks about now, but it's refreshing to see him so happy."

I smile at Jake at this revelation and he smiles slightly and we all shuffle into the small living room. Jake and I sit on the floor, leaving the few chairs for Sam and the Elders.

"So we've been hearing that you have some interesting gifts. Mind fully telling us what they are?"

I hesitate, I don't like being put on the spot, but I also don't want them to think I'm a threat.. Sam sends a smile and a nod my way, and I jump as Jake grabs my hand. His warmth radiates to me as I look in his eyes, I realize I can trust these people.

"Well it was after my accident that I started to notice strange things. I didn't really pay attention to it, I just thought my mum was ignoring me."

At this, Jake squeezes my hand in comfort making me smile, and I even hear Sam snort loudly in distaste.

"I mostly noticed it here. I had been upset and left the house—"

"While the red headed bloodsucker was still in town, so me and a couple others went to go find her."

"And that's when you could smell it?" Billy asks as Sam tells the wolves' side of the story.

"Yeah, but it's different. It's not like anything we've encountered before. That's why I knew it was different."

"So, I'm sorry dear, can you tell us why our great protectors were unable to find you?" Billy says with a smirk, making me laugh and the boys gives sounds of hurt.

"Um well... In their defense, I was invisible..." I say quietly not sure how they're going to react.

"It's true. I saw her do it another time. Everyone was at Sam's and, I think it happens when she has strong emotions?" He looks to me and I shrug and nod, that's what I was thinking.

"Cuz I think she was jealous of Bella—"

"I am not jealous of Bella!" I exclaim looking at Jake like he's completely mad.

"Well you were asking a lot of questions about her and I."

"That's because it's an unhealthy relationship. And she irritates me a bit, so I was curious how often she'd be around."

I mutter the last part hoping I didn't offend him, he just looks shocked and I bite my lips in nerves.

"She's right Jake. Someone had to say something." Billy chimes in making me feel a bit better.

"I know... I've been noticing a lot of things now, and I'm sorry." He looks to his dad and back to me, squeezing my hand and I smile.

"So you become invisible with intense emotions, and only then does your scent change to the wolves... Interesting." Old Quill summarizes and I simply nod, not knowing what else to say.

"We haven't heard of this, but we can look into it for you both." Billy says with a smile.

"That would be great! Thank you, we appreciate it." Sam says and I nod, thanking them as well.

Before we leave Jake pulls me aside, and I'm worried if he's upset about what I said about his friend..

"Hey, can I talk to you before you leave?" Jake asks and I nod, so he heads me out the back door to the surrounding forest.

"If you're upset about what I said about Bella I'm sorry, I was just being honest—"

"No Adelaide, I'm not upset about that at all. I'm glad you were honest with me, and I've seen a change in Bella that I'm not sure I like. But no I wanted to talk about us."

The dreaded sentence nobody ever wants to hear.. I don't think I could handle if Jake broke up with me..but isn't there the whole Imprint thing?

"I know we've been busy and I didn't mean to wait this long really. But I–well..would you like to officially be my girlfriend Addy?"

"I–I would love to Jake."

*I'm back!! I am so sorry that took so damn long! I hope you enjoyed thank you for staying with me! You're all amazing!

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