Meeting The Boys

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I stayed in my room pretty much the rest of the next day, and I'm just listening to the music playlist my dad and I made before my birthday, tears running down my face. When I hear a small knock on my door, and I just focus on my ceiling not really caring if they come in or not.

"Adelaide? Do you mind if I come in?" I think her name is Emily? Sam's fiancée.

"You can call me Addy. And yeah you can come in. Sorry I won't be much excitement." I mumble as she comes in and shuts my door behind her, which I'm grateful for.

"It's alright Addy, I was just coming to see if you are alright and if you wanted to come down for dinner?"

She sadly smiles over at me, but it's gotten to the point that it doesn't bother me anymore, and I try to smile back but fail miserably.

"I guess I should....I haven't eaten much in the last two weeks..." I mumble the last part hoping she doesn't hear me, but I'm pretty sure she did.

As she stands up and grabs my hand helping me up as I stumble a bit, getting light headed. I follow her down the hallway and down the stairs and I almost make it all the way down until the last two stairs when black dots fill my vision and I stumble slightly before seeing Embry, I think, at the bottom of the stairs and then blackness.

~Embry's p.o.v.~

I come into Sam and Emily's after my patrol for some food to see Emily smiling, coming down the stairs with Sam's niece Addy, slowly following behind her before she starts to stumble around.

I run over to see if she's alright, only to see her look at me but then her eyes roll to the back of her head and her body goes limp, luckily I was there to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Emily! Call Sue!" I say frantically as I lay Addy down on the couch, noticing she has a slight fever.

"Why, what happened?!" She says running in from the kitchen and gasping when she sees Addy on the couch passed out. She quickly turns around and picks up the phone.

"Embry what happened?" Sam says rushing into the living room and kneeling down next to his niece brushing her hair out of her pale face, you can tell he's really worried.

He looks at Adelaide like she is his younger sister, it's weird seeing him care so much for someone who isn't Emily.

"I'm not sure, she was coming down the stairs and she stumbled a bit so I went to ask if she was okay, and she passed out. Luckily I was there to catch her."

"She said something about not  eating in two weeks." Emily says coming around the corner.

"I called Sue, and she said to just let her wake up, and see what happens after." She hasn't eaten in two weeks?!?!!

"Two weeks?! Wh— oh shit..." Sam starts but stops leaving Emily and I hanging..

"What Sam? What is it?!" Emily says slightly frazzled and Sam just places his forehead against Addy's.

"She was in an accident two weeks ago.." Sam mumbles and Emily gasps as my eyes widen.

"But that isn't what is affecting her. She was with Will, her father, when the truck T-Boned the bike launching them both."

"Oh my god.." Emily mumbles placing her hand on Sam's shoulder in comfort, not taking her eyes off of Addy.

"They were rushed to the hospital with too much internal bleeding. Kate said it was a miracle that they got Adelaide stable, got the bleeding to stop. But Will wasn't so lucky... I guess its been eating Adelaide up since it has happened. And my sister being the selfish child she is, it doesn't help the situation that she left Addy, because she 'couldn't handle being around her'."

So that's why Sam cares so much for her. He's all she has left, and visa versa because it sounds like he doesn't count his sister as his sister anymore.. And poor thing I can't believe that happened to her..

"Her and Will were close, so it really killed her. And it doesn't help that it was a couple days after her birthday either, a kind of tradition I guess.. Jus—just don't treat her differently. Let her tell you when she's ready alright?"

We both nod, Emily with tears in her eyes and I just feel terrible. I help Emily with dinner leaving Sam with Addy and the house is just solemn it's strange, that is until the rest of the guys get here which should be soon.

This will be interesting, she hasn't met any of the others so we don't know who will imprint on her, well I guess there is only Paul right now since Jared has Kim, no wonder Sam is all tense. Well here goes nothing...

~Addy's p.o.v.~

My head is throbbing as I slowly flutter my eyes open, not remembering what happened or how I ended up on Sam's couch.. Slowly turning my head to the left I find Sam kneeling beside the couch, aw how sweet.

"Sam?" I croak out and his head snaps in my direction, a sigh of relief escapes his lips.

""How are you feeling Addy?" He asks helping me into a sitting position, and I grab my head at the sudden dizzy spell.

"Like rubbish.. What happened?" I ask as he sits next to me and I swear he's radiating heat as I lean against him freezing my bum off.

"Embry said you passed out on your way down the stairs. And Emily thinks it's because you haven't eaten in a while? This true?" I bite my lip knowing I'm in trouble for not eating...

See I remember from the last time I saw Sam, him and my dad had very similar personalities except Sam was more of an older brother to me.

"Well how mad will you be if I answer truthfully?" I hear a snort from the kitchen and a look from Sam telling me to just spill it. I sigh and run my hand through my hair before answering.

"Fine.. Yes, I haven't eaten much at all s-since the accident.."

He just shakes his head and offers me both his hands and helps me into the kitchen. Emily brings me a plate of eggs and bacon, starting my stomach with little things. I don't wanna be sick.

"Nothing! For miles! My nose doesn't burn every time we run up to Forks!" I look towards the door to see two boys built a lot like Sam and Embry and both missing a shirt and might I say damn!!

"Jared! Shut it!" Sam growls from the counter shutting 'Jared' up quickly and that's when the two boys see me and Sam tenses again.

"Well hello there! I'm Jared, this is Paul. You can't be Embry's girl can ya? You're too pretty."

I couldn't help the tiny snicker at the compliment and Embry smacking him over the head as Jared's grin gets wider.

"Hiya, and no I'm Adelaide, Sam's niece." Both of em have a shocked looks on their faces not expecting my accent.

"Cool accent! Where ya from? How long are you staying?" He asks sitting down across from me, after getting some breakfast.

"Australia, and as far as I know, I'm here to stay so better get used to it." I smirk and the boys start to laugh I even get a smile out of Sam.

"Well Little Ausy, I think we'll be great friends." We all laugh and have my first real meal in the states, I can already tell we are going to be one big family.

And I think I'm gonna love it here.

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