Cliff Jumping and Trusting

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It's been a couple days since I met all the boys, and let me tell you I haven't had this much fun in such a long time! They are so carefree and fun I almost forget all my problems.


But I promised my dad I would try to move on and with the help of the boys it's been easier, and I was also able to talk Sam out of signing me up for school. Permanent break for this girl!

Anyways I think today we're all headed down to the beach since it's nice and sunny out. Apparently Jared wants me to cliff dive with them and well I'm not too sure how well that will go, but hey sounds fun! I smell bacon from down stairs and make my way down for breakfast.

"Hey Aussy, ready for the beach!" Jared asks using the nickname he insists on calling me as I reach the kitchen to see all the boys here.

"Of course! It's going to be absolutely brilliant! I haven't been to a beach in ages." I say grabbing my food and sitting between Paul and Embry.

I don't know why some people have a problem with Paul, he's like another older brother towards me and he can be so carefree and funny definitely when he's with Jared.

"Alright lets go!!" Jared yells and we all laugh at his excitement.

I make eye contact with Sam and he's already looking at me with a smile on his face and I smile back at him. We grab our bags full of food for later, towels, and whatever else we might need and we head out the door for the short walk to the beach.

"To the beach!!" I yell as I jump onto Embry's back, and luckily he reacts quick enough before I fall on my butt.

"Damn woman next time some warning would be nice!" He complains but we end up laughing anyways, these boys are always so warm, must be a Quilete thing, but I'm always cold so it works for me!

We finally break through the tree line to see the cutest little beach I've ever seen. We pick the prime spot and leave our stuff with Emily since she doesn't jump, and we all strip down into our swim suits.

Let me tell you those boys are fit! I had to focus on folding my clothes afraid I would drool ha. I look up to find Embry staring at me and I can feel my cheeks heating up before I'm suddenly thrown over someone's shoulder.

"To the cliff!" I hear Jared yell as he starts running, while me grabbing onto his torso so I don't fall on my face.

"Jared! Put me down you prat!" By now we are already on the top of the cliff, damn he's fast..

"A what?!" He asks me confused setting me down in front of him. "What the hell is a 'prat'?" I start laughing realizing they don't know any of the insults I can use against them.

"It's you. That's what it is." I say and Paul laughs and I look over the edge suddenly scared at how high it is.

I look behind us to see an old red truck parked on the side and a girl gets out, freaking out but a boy follows calming her down, when Sam pushes Jared off the cliff, ha he deserved that.

"You wanna jump?" Embry asks standing next to me, I bit my lip remembering how high it is.

"I'll jump with you if you want to?" He asks like he's reading my mind, with a small smile on his face.

"Sure, sure." I say and he looks shocked for a second before recovering and grabbing my hand and we turn to face the cliff.

"On three?"

"Lets do it!" I say with a smirk and we both laugh.

"THREE!!" I shout and we run right off the edge and it is such a rush!

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