Parties Bring Battles?

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"Then let's crash it." I hear Embry says smugly as I walk into the living room with freshly baked muffins.

It's been a couple days since my incident in the woods, and everything has healed fine. I can feel the nasty scar at the back of my head, but thankfully you can't see it around my hair. Jake's been crazy protective ever since, not wanting me alone in the forest anymore, but it's been nice. I've enjoyed our walks in the woods.

These moments together really helped me to believe the truth in his words about Bella. That she might have something for him, still, but he won't ever feel anything for her. And after Michael, it's very reassuring.

"Crash what?" I question with a raised brow.

"Um..." Jake trails off, nervously rubbing his neck before Embry fills in for him.

"Bella's graduation party." My eyes narrow at her name and I'm already opposed to this idea.

"She invited you?" My distaste evident in my voice, and Jake sighs.

"Yes, it was before everything happened, but I wasn't going to go anyways. Hence why these idiots thought it'd be fun to crash." He rolls his eyes, ignoring the offended sounds of his friends.

"C'mon Ads! Isn't there a bit of you that wants to flaunt the fact that you won?" Embry questions, and I almost respond saying I'm not that kind of person, but with Bella....well, she bloody deserves it.

"Normally no. But after her recent stunt..."

"Then it's settled!" Embry cuts me off, jumping up. "Get dressed lady and gents, we're gonna crash a bloodsucker party." He bounds out of the house leaving us in our seats.

"Is anyone else getting the feeling he's almost too excited for this?" I question and the two remaining boys nod, and Jake takes my hand softly.

"You don't have to listen to Embry, you have nothing to prove—"

"But I do Jake. For some reason Bella is convinced that she'll be able to keep you all for herself, and to prove that what we have, isn't truly real."

I sigh looking to my feet, my heart heavy again with the realization that there was once something between them, and imprint or not I can't help but feel I could lose him to her...

"Adelaide. There isn't a chance in hell that I would feel anything for Bella other than maybe annoyance." We both laugh slightly at this and he smiles at me.

"What I felt for her, a long time ago, has faded and all the love I hold, is solely for you." He kisses me gently in this moment and I feel my doubts melt away from all the love and devotion I feel from him.

"We can still go tonight, have a good time, and maybe you'll get your chance to hit Bella."

I laugh loudly at his jab before he brings me into another kiss, his arms encircling my waist and I run my fingers through the short hair at the nape of his neck.

"Oi! Lovebirds, let's get moving!" Quil and Embry chorus from the dining room, causing Jake to flip them off before we get up and I head upstairs to change quickly.


Sliding off of Jake's bike, the boys quickly copy our actions and we stare up at the daunting home of bloodsuckers. Jake grabs my hand with a smile before leading our group to the door.

Walking in like we own the damn place, my senses are bombarded with loud music, darkness with the occasional strobe light, and hundreds of thrashing teenage bodies. I suddenly feel Jake tense at my side, griping my hand tighter and I look at him, seeing that the other boys have tensed too, making me realize the vampires must be near.

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