Chapter 6: "You're going with me"

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I WAS GOING to kill Carter.

Slowly and painfully.

Then I will throw his corpse off a cliff and tell everyone he ran off to Las Vegas to fulfil his life-long dream of becoming a paper towel sniffer in a casino.

I even had his obituary planned out.

"Carter," I said, trying my very best to stay very calm, "what, exactly, are we doing here?"

Carter chuckled and scratched the back of his head nervously. "It's our hotel?"

"No it's not." I smiled, wide and crazy. "Because you were in charge of booking the hotel and I know you cannot have booked this dirty place."

'Dirty' was an understatement. Scaffolding climbed up its sides like a skeleton clinging to an empty husk. The door was torn away from its hinges and propped up next to the gaping doorway. Drunkards were singing a song in an off-key tone, chugging down bottles of beer.

"The pictures looked better." Carter protested weakly, frantically taking out his phone. I looked over his shoulder and my scowl deepened.

"Disgusting common bathroom. A party hostel. We were unlucky a guy bump into every bunk in our dorm. We paid 10 for A/C dorm wanted a good night sleep, turned out no sleep... moved to somewhere nicer for same price the next day." I read out, trembling slightly with barely controlled rage. "Here's another one. "The private rooms are small and stinky from a lack of air circulation, and the dorms are as basic as they come."

Carter chuckled and hoisted our duffel bags over his shoulder. "I'm sure those people were exaggerating! Come on, Wilson! We'll be staying here for a few weeks at most. If it's absolutely awful, we'll move to another hotel. Our priority should be finding Ezra! And besides, I'm sure those reviews were exaggerating?" His voice was high and squeaky towards the end of the sentence.

I exhaled shakily and entered the crumbling establishment. No Ada, you cannot murder him, I chided myself, there is no Netflix in prison and you can't break your promise. Damn those promises.

"Hi!" I smiled brightly at the receptionist, ignoring the vile stench that assaulted my nose and overpowered my senses. "My colleague booked two rooms for us here."

"Hello," The receptionist drawled, not looking up from his screen. He pushed a book and pen towards me. "Sign in."

"Um, okay, thanks." I tried not to be too repulsed by the grease on both objects.

"Here you go," The receptionist droned, dropping a key in front of me. "One suite with two separate bedrooms. Room four-hundred 'n five. No elevator. Take the stairs."

"Thank you," I said, slipping the key in my pocket.

We walked down the tackily decorated hallway and up the broken stairs. I grimaced at the piles of rubbish and the filthy ground. How the hell has this place not shut down yet?

A figure was walking in the opposite direction to us. Their head was glued to the floor and Carter was too busy making fun of abstract paintings to notice them. As a result, the two of them collided.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry!" The person said with a thick accent I couldn't quite place. It was neither male, nor female and had a subtle lilt to it at the beginning of each sentence. They extended a gloved hand out to Carter, who accepted it with a tight smile.

"It's alright," he said, brushing himself off.

I looked up at the mysterious individual- whose head was carefully angled away from us. They nodded and walked away without another word.

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