Chapter 19: "Stupid face"

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"I AM SO sorry to ask you this," I hesitated, then ploughed on, "but can you take yourself back to- back to the time when you were here? You said something about a hole. Can you remember anything about the layout of the main building? Anything at all?"

Wilson's expression darkened and she fell into a deep thought. "I- they didn't want us in the main building... that's where the... clients would visit, and they didn't want us tarnishing their reputation until we were really needed."

I am going to burn this place down, I thought, my hands curled into fists and I gripped the edge of my shirt tightly, and I am going to make sure Wilson gets the opportunity to murder these sick bastards.

"But, um, as I was one of the... special ones, I was allowed to visit it more wasn't great." She let out a bitter laugh.

I am going to tie these sick bastards in a meat-filled sack and throw them to a pack of wolves.

"I mean, it might have changed a bit... but I think they- they keep the main office if on the second floor. That's- that's where they keep their main files. Anything to do with Ez would be there."

"So we head there." I stood and brushed the dust from my trousers. I rested my hands on my hips and glared at the ugly building that was surrounded by a thick wired fence.

"Wait–" Wilson scrambled to her feet, furiously wiping away the tear stains on her cheek, "–you weren't serious about just walking in were you?"

I turned and grinned, an old jubilation rising inside of me like a helium balloon. I was taken back to my Academy days- conspiring and plotting with my friends on our famous pranks. Of course, this time, it was gonna be much bigger than a mere prank.

This would be revenge.

Not just for Wilson, but also for the others who were trapped in that disgusting place. For those who didn't get the chance to escape, and for those who were still trapped in a living nightmare.

"First," I said, raising a finger. "We're gonna need to make some weapons."

"Weapons?" Wilson frowned, her head tilting to the side. "All we have are our clothes and my books."

"Your books? I thought we were only gonna pack the essentials?"

"Books are an essential, Carter, and I will fight you on that."

"Fine. Which ones did you bring?"

"Oh, just a few of my favourites with a couple Russian classics–"

"Well now we've got weapons then," I snorted, shaking my head in disbelief. "When were you thinking we were gonna get the time to read?"

"I don't know! Maybe if we had to stake out some place or something," She shrugged and glared at me. "Do not insult my books unless you are prepared to deal with the consequences."

"For the love of- fine, fine! Please don't hit me!" I stepped back, palms raised in surrender. "Do you know if they kept any alcohol in this place?"

Wilson got a faraway look in her eye, her face scrunched up as if she'd swallowed a tablespoon of salt and lemon. "Yes. They do. That's the one thing that I'm sure hasn't changed in six years."

I didn't pry further. I had no right to. "Know where they keep it?"

"Yeah... I was usually the one who had to get it." She brushed a mop of dark hair away from her eyes. "But why?"

My voice dropped to an excited hush, "I have a plan!"

"A first for you."

"I don't see you offering up any great ideas! Anyways, ahem, listen closely."

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