Chapter 23: "Wanna bet?"

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I didn't know what Ada and that damned Agent were thinking when they beat up the Agency's prized prodigy.

That pathetic little weasel crawled her way back to the Agency, eyes filled with tears faker than a friendly hater and sob story that made me want to throw up.

Naturally, she pinned everything on Analyst Wilson- the one person who wasn't here to defend herself- and tried to convince everyone that Ada had forced the Agent to do her bidding.

Chief Haddel believed her- as he always did, the weak and snivelling bastard. He had wasted no time in bypassing protocol and getting a Kill Order on Ada and Carter. Of course me and the other Chiefs raised the alarm over this, but the evidence was too damning.

Haddel managed to track down Ada, despite my best attempts to thwart him. We were immediately dispatched to a run down house in the middle of a forest which, we later learned, served as a trafficking ring.

Some of the Chiefs said that it would be best if Ada and Carter handed themselves over. But the idiots decided to solidify their guilt by burning down the place and running away. I had to act as the outraged Chief, even though I privately agreed with their actions.

"You see Alina?" Haddel roared. "You see what you have done?"

"What I've done?" I was floored. I wiped the spit from my face and tried not to discharge my gun. "What do you mean by that Haddel?"

"If you hadn't brought that damned Analyst to the Agency, we would not be in this position!"

I laughed, shaking my head in disgust. "We also would not have caught so many criminals without her help! How dare you attempt to discredit years of hard work based on flimsy evidence?"

"I agree with Chief Haddel," Keen piped up.

"Of course you do," I said, my voice laced with sugary sweetness. "But I simply cannot remember when I asked."

Something tugged on my sleeve and I looked down. A young girl with brilliant blue eyes stared up at me. I crouched down to her level and smiled. "Yes?"

"Can I borrow your phone?"


"Your phone. I want to- I want to call my Dad."

I frowned and tilted my head slightly. "I'm so sorry to ask but, how long have you been in this place?"

"I don't- I don't know." The girl looked up at the boy standing beside her.

He rested a hand on her shoulder and nodded. "It's okay, Iris...I think it's been just more than six months."

The boy couldn't have been much older than her- in fact, if I had to guess, I'd say they were the same age. But I knew that malnourishment could greatly affect a child's growth.

"A year." Iris exhaled deeply, clutching the boy's hand. "That's- that's a long time to be there."

"I will call your father," I said gently. "What is his number?"

She rattled it off, pulling the jacket the others distributed around her tighter. My heart ached for the poor children as the call connected. When I told the man that his daughter and son were safe, the relief at the other end of the line was palpable.

"Excuse me," Haddel said, towering over the children. "I have some questions to ask. That woman you were with just now- did she take anything? Perhaps, uh, tell you where she went?"

"Haddel." I said in a sharp tone. "These kids have been through enough."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He sneered and I wanted to slap him with a large, smelly fish.

"Iris," I tried to keep my tone even. "Why don't you and your brother go to the medical tent and get some rest?"

Haddel tried to grab them as they were leaving. "Now wait a minute–"

I twisted his wrist and gripped his arm, leaning in close enough to be choked by the strong cologne. "Now you listen to me, Haddel. These kids are going to the medical tent. You will not talk to them or any of the others. If you do, I will have you thrown in jail for harassment."

"You can't do that," Haddel hissed.

I smiled without humour. "Wanna bet?"

Haddel met my gaze, but then turned away with 'humph!' and several curses muttered under his breath. I didn't bother calling him out for it. A man who is too much of a coward to speak up to my face is not a man I want to waste my time on.

I sighed and tiredly pressed the bridge of my nose, a headache started to form. Dealing with this issue will take quite a bit of time. To the best of my abilities, I could extend it to about a week. Hopefully, Ada and the Agent will have enough sense to forget their mission and get out of the country.

"Hah." I chuckled with a wry smile. Ada won't run away. She will do everything in her power to bring down Keen and prove her innocence. The Agent will likely do whatever she says.

"Please keep them safe," I whispered, turning my gaze to the sky.

I had long since turned my back on religion. But right now, I would happily sacrifice anything to a deity to keep Ada safe. 


First update of 2023

I hope you guys liked it! 

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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