Chapter 11: "I have an offer for you"

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I WAS ABOUT two seconds away from pulling out a gun and shooting the insufferable man in front of me. It would have been so easy, just a small contraction of the finger and I would have been free from the thing crawling in front of me.

My hand inched towards the weapon, but Paul lightly pressed my arm and gave a subtle shake of his head.

I scowled and leaned back, subtly checking the WhatsApp group chat we made for situations like this- which purposefully excluded the well-known, unbearable oaf known as Chief Haddel.

Lord only knows who he bribed to get a Chief position.

Someone start a fire
I can't take this anymore

Just a few mins more Ally
You'll get your chance to talk soon

I'm not even listening at this point

We can get through it guys! Willpower!!

Nah I agree with Ally
Let's blow this shit up

I stifled a laugh, passing it off as a cough that caused some raised eyebrows.

"–And that concludes my review," Haddel declared, puffing out his chest and slapping some pages on the desk. "I believe immediate action should be taken. A kill order should be placed on Analyst Wilson, effective immediately."

Murmurs erupted around the room at these words. Even those who didn't know Ada were shocked. Kill orders on members of the Agency were exceptionally rare, only passed when the majority agreed to it. To my knowledge, only three kill orders had been passed in the entire Agency's lifetime- and the last one was nearly fifteen years ago.

I tried to keep my cool, but failed miserably. Ada was like a daughter to me, and I was not going to allow this dimwit moron to hurt her.

I let out a harsh bark of laughter. "Have you finally gone mad, Haddel?"

Haddel gave me a patronising smile, "No, Aliana–"

"It's Chief Wright to you," I said sharply.

Haddel faltered, his smile dimming in less than a second. The eight other chiefs hid their own grins.

"Well, Chief Wright," Haddel chuckled awkwardly, "the evidence is damning–"

"What evidence?" I interrupted incredulously. "The bank account, which we identified as a fake? The imaginary scenarios that fit with your theories?"

"I just spent the last few minutes going over my evidence!"

"I stopped pretending to care after the first words came out of your mouth." I took a deep breath and stood. "But no matter. I will refute your evidence and prove why a kill order is the stupidest idea voiced in this room."

Haddel scoffed and drew to his full height- which wasn't really that impressive. "I'd like to see you try."

"First of all, why would Analyst Wilson betray this Agency? We proved that the account was fake. This means that money was not the motive- which is what your allegations are mainly based on. Furthermore, Wilson had no opportunity for killing Analyst Laos or endangering Special Agent Grey- she was in a meeting with me and three other Chiefs at the time of death, which can be confirmed. She had a close friendship, actually, no, even more- a sibling bond- with Grey as well. I would like to end my statement by saying this meeting could have been an email."

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