Chapter 25: "Muffins"

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TURNS OUT, ACTUALLY sitting down to make a plan is a lot harder than it sounds.

I don't know how Analysts do this.

Honestly, so much brain power is required.

I am going to start a petition to raise their wages and demand they get more vacation days because this shit's hard.

Dawn was breaking over the edges, bathing the sky in a gloriously warm glow. My eyes were watering, words were swimming and I had gone through about three notebooks. None of the plans I'd made were gonna work. They all had something wrong with it.

It made me feel bad for all the times I made fun of Wilson's plans. I should get her some chocolates as an apology.

"You have the makings of an Analyst."

I winced as I thought of Ada's words. If only she could see me now. Actually, no. She would never let me live it down.

"Hey." Ryder entered the room and slid over a cup. "I thought you might need some more coffee."

"Thanks." I took a sip and my face contorted into a disgusted expression. "Still tastes like crap."

"Yeah, but it's the best thing they serve here."

"That's kinda sad to hear." I tiredly rubbed my hand over my face and let out a long exhale. "Has Ada woken up yet?"

"No, not yet. But the doctors are getting more confident about her recovery."

"That's not gonna bring her back though, is it?" I sighed and shook my head. "Sorry, I just–"

"Nah, you don't need to apologise." He said, pulling up in the chair opposite me. "I get it, I do."

"I just–" I ran a hand through my hair and let out a frustrated groan. "–I feel like a total moron for just sitting here and- and doing nothing."

"You're not doing nothing." Ryder consoled, glancing at the mounds of papers and empty paper coffee cups. "You're...doing the best you can."

"Yeah, which is nothing." I scoffed, throwing my pen down. "The best plan I've got involves us running away to the Maldives for a year."

"Why a year?"

"We have an argument and Ada strangles me to sell my parts on the black market."

He laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like the Addy I know."

"It's a mess right now," I said, gesturing to the computer. "I don't know how the Analysts managed all this back at the Agency."

"Well, I think Addy will, uh, well she'll appreciate the effort." Ryder picked up a sheet. "And if not, I think the money she'll get from selling your organs should ease the pain."

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Anyways, why did you come down here? Something happen?"

"Well, I mean, you've been down here for about six hours so I thought I'd come down and see if you're okay."

"Thanks," I said with an appreciative nod. I glanced at the door and thought for a second. "Now this might just be the caffeine talking, but I'm curious- how did you and Silver meet?"

He chuckled and leaned back, crossing his arms. "Aw man, that's- that's a long story."

I shrugged. "I got time."

"Right, well...let's see... It was about five years ago. Za- I mean, Silver, was starting a... let's call it a business of sorts, and she was recruiting people. I was working in a bar at the time and there were some unsavoury people harassing a group. So I asked them to stop, but they got aggressive. So I... had to physically remove them."

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