Chapter 9: "You did?"

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I OPENED MY eyes, hazy and unsure of where I was.

I raised my arm. From my fingertips to my shoulders, blood dripped slowly down like a leaky tap. I inhaled sharply and blinked. The blood vanished, replaced by a myriad of tubes.

I exhaled shakily and tilted my head to the right. A beautiful scene graced my tired eyes. I saw waves that seemed to be carved out of sapphire lap gently on a bed of white sand, glittering brighter than a thousand diamonds in the moonlight. Greedily drinking in the view, I sighed and relaxed into the covers.

"You're up."

I started and looked up, narrowing my eyes at Carter. Did he... did he help me?

"Wilson, why are you looking at me like I fed you poison?"

"Did you?"


"Did you feed me poison?"

"What kind of- I just saved your life! A thank you would be appreciated."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms with some difficulty. "Thank you o' Great Wise one- I hate you so much get out of my fucking face- I am so genuine, My Lord."

"Why the hell did I choose to save your ungrateful ass?"

"If it was such a difficulty, then you should've left me to die!"

"Don't think I didn't consider it!"

I paused. "You did?"

"I- No, obviously not you idiot. Now be quiet while I check to make sure I can compare you to an almost functioning human."

I stayed quiet, tilting my head aside as he did some questionable check ups. When he finished, I leaned back on the bedrest. "What's the verdict doc? Am I gonna make it?"

He snorted. "Unfortunately. Now this is gonna hurt like a bitch, but try not to move too much or it'll hurt like hell."

I stayed quiet while Carter carefully removed the stitches. I didn't even flinch. Not my first time dealing with so many of them.

Without warning, tears sprung to my eyes. In my effort to blink them back, two salty drops landed on Carter's hand.

I scowled and turned away. This is the second time I've cried in front of him. Now he'll definitely make fun of me.

A warm hand patted my head three times. "There, there."

I slowly turned back, my eyebrow raised, a snarky retort on the tip of my tongue. The retort sputtered out when I thought about how kind Carter had been lately.



"You're...not as bad at comforting as you think."

His eyes widened and a tiny smile lifted his lips. "Thanks Wilson."

"I mean, you're still pretty bad at it–"

"Don't ruin the moment."

"Fine, have it your way." I flopped back and blew a few strands of black hair out of my face. "Now hurry up and discharge me so we can find Ezra."

"Alright. Try standing up. Be careful, though- you've been out for a few weeks."

What did he just say?

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and using the calming sounds as my strength, pulled myself up. I promptly fell forwards, face planting on the ground.

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