Chapter 16: "Revenge"

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I PULLED MY heavy black bag on the trolley and huffed, irritated as hell, all while glaring at the insufferable man beside me. "A little help would be appreciated, y'know?"

Carter smirked and adjusted his sunglasses- which he insisted on wearing, despite the weather being cloudy, for 'disguise purposes'. "I am keeping a lookout. Besides, you seem to be handling it fine."

I scowled and shoved the suitcase on his foot, satisfaction striking me when he yelped out in pain like a wounded puppy. He limped dramatically towards the conveyor belt and made a big show of dragging another bag back.

I laughed and shook my head, but flinched when a hand landed heavily on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, Miss," a man with a bright smile and smooth voice said. "Would you like some help?"

I slapped his hand away, the place he touched burned like a fire. I immediately wanted to scrub it off with some disinfectant. "No, thank you. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I'd be happy to–"

"Dude." Carter appeared, his expression stony and fists clenched tightly by his side. "She said no."

A harsh scowl twisted the man's lips. "What's your problem? I'm just trying to be nice!"

"I don't want your niceness." I snapped, loathing the way my body trembled and my voice shook.

A memory pierced through the haze of the mind- another man cloaked in a thick mist, with that same kind smile. A man who drove a knife into my back and watched me scream as he twisted it in further. I shuddered, imagining swiping my hand through it, watching it disappear like dark smoke through my fingers.

The man muttered some foul words and left. Leaving me with the need to physically restrain Carter from stalking after him, already with pulled punches.

"What a creep." Carter scoffed, settling for a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger.

"What a creep," I agreed. Wiping my sweaty and shaky palms on my jeans. "Forget it. Let's just go."

After what felt like years, we made it to the line of customs. Carter dragged the process out by whining about how long it was taking. Even the little kids were appalled by his behaviour.

"Carter." I hissed, jabbing a key in his stomach. "If you keep whining, I will cut out your tongue and feed it to the dogs!"

"But the line is taking forever!" He leaned back, eyebrows pinched in a frown and lips pouted. It was such a childish expression that I had to fight hard to hide my smile. "Plus I really need to go to the bathroom."

"Then go," I muttered, tiredly gesturing towards the toilets. "And please take your time. I do not want to deal with your petty, whiny ass so early in the morning."

"You wound me, Wilson." He clutched at his chest and staggered back. "After all we've been through?"

I raised my key threateningly, and he scampered off, pushing through the crowd that snapped and glared at him like an angry mob almost over the brink.

I shook my head with a slight chuckle, an involuntary smile tugging on my lips. After the talk on the plane, I felt like we were slowly becoming closer than before. Of course, it would take a lot more than just a few words to repair our friendship, but, maybe, we were finally on the right track in getting there.

The queue moved agonisingly slowly and I decided to type out the Mission Report.

My finger flew across the keypad, but then I paused. This report would be made public to all the Chiefs. I already knew that Em- Keen was a mole. Who else is in the pocket of her mysterious boss?

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