Chapter 32: "Surprise!"

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There's no way- no way- Ezra could be a traitor. No way at all. He was the good one! He- he couldn't be like Emma. He couldn't be a traitor.

Yet the proof was standing in front of me.

Carter. I thought miserably. We have shit taste in friends.

Once the first wave of shock and grief passed, anger followed in its wake. I lunged forwards, dragging the chair behind me. I don't know what I was planning to do- perhaps bite Grey's traitor hand off with my teeth?- but Keen pulled me back.

"Surprise!" Keen cackled, swaying slightly as she took a place by Grey's side.

I stayed silent, rage robbed me of an ability to speak.

Grey slowly walked forwards and gripped my chin, tilting my face from side to side. I wanted to gag at the feeling of bugs crawling over me. He hummed, his warm breath fluttering over my skin. "Did you have to rough her up this much?"

"She got on my nerves." Keen took a large swig from a bottle- where did she get that from?- and laughed.

"Understandable." Grey mused and stepped away, his cold brown eyes narrowed in disgust.

An involuntary shiver crept over me and I flinched. Tears gathered in my eyes and I forced them back, desperately trying to not think about how warm Grey's eyes were when he smiled, or how kindly he had treated me in my first week.

No, I didn't think of that at all.

"This is surprising and, honestly, a little disappointing Ada." Grey sighed and shook his head, like a parent disciplining a child. "I thought you would be kicking up a fuss right now! Or, at the very least, try to escape."

"Go fuck yourself." My eyes flicked between the traitors. "Both of you."

Keen clapped and pointed at me. "That's the spirit!"

"So, what next?" I jerked my head towards the door. "Is Carter gonna walk through that door now?" Although I knew he wouldn't betray me, something deep down inside of me held that fear.

"Nah," Ezra flicked his hand as if swatting away a fly, "he's far too self-righteous for that."

My shoulders dropped slightly in relief. Always nice to know at least one person in my life hasn't Betrayed me.

"So," My jaw hurt like hell, but I had to push on, "why are you doing all of this? I mean, I know Keen has an inferiority complex, but why you Ez?" I was delighted to see Grey recoil slightly at the old nickname.

"You could never understand," he murmured, running a hand through his curly black hair.

"I don't want to understand." I coughed again, a burning pain flared up in my side. "I want to know."

"Is there a difference?" Keen drawled.

"You- you can know Physics, but you will never understand it." A warm feeling erupted on my stomach. I think some of my stitches must have burst. Black spots engulfed my vision, but I couldn't blink them away.

"Some dude gave us an opportunity." Grey said with a languid shrug turning his back on me. "His name was... hmm, I think female Greek death spirits?"

I frowned. "Female Greek- oh. Oh shit."


"No, no, no. Is- is he here?" My heart thudded painfully in my chest and I turned my head, frantically trying to see if anyone else was in the room.

"Hello little birdie!" His voice echoed in my brain. Over and over and over again. Like a sick loop that would not- could not- stop.

"No, he's not." Grey's voice cut through the panic. My shoulders dropped and I involuntarily let out a deep breath.

Was Keres the one who told Keen to attack me in that alleyway? The entire paper trail Jay and I were following- Grey's paper trail- was that also made by him?

But why? Or how? Keen and Grey were- ironically- very well respected in the Agency. But even they didn't have the power to alter the Agency's proceedings. No, that power resided with the Chiefs–

My eyes widened. I felt like I had been plunged into an icy lake. A traitor that high in power? No... it couldn't- it can't be!

But the pieces slot into place, revealing a picture I didn't want to see. I remember Aliana showing me the falsified bank statements that started the hunt against me. A Chief could easily submit that and not receive too many raised eyebrows and questions.

The thought scared me much more than I cared to admit. 


I hope you guys liked it! 

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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