Chapter 14: "How could I forget?"

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"SURE." WILSON WHISPERED, unbuckling her belt. She stood and swayed, digging her fingers into the cheap seats beside her. She blinked and shook her head, taking a deep breath.

We pushed ourselves to the back, where Carol- the sweet hostess who had graciously allowed us to use the space- was waiting for us. I had shown her my ID and explained the whole situation with the Agency so she was happy to let us talk.

"I managed to buy you some time, make sure to return to your seats if there's any disturbance," Carol whispered, pushing her tray filled with cheap food to try and sell. She disappeared down the cramped aisles, a tired, practised smile spread across her face.

"Okay." Wilson crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"First." I pointed to her and squinted. "Are you okay?"


Doesn't she understand, or is she playing dumb once more?

"Well, you look pretty shit if I'm honest–" I raised my hand to check for any signs of illness.

"Gee thanks." She slapped my hand away, making me then continue.

"But it's understandable if you do, considering that you were stabbed a few days ago."

"I'm fine...I changed the dressing just before we left and I have a pretty high pain tolerance." Wilson awkwardly bobbed her head and shifted from foot to foot. "How about you? You're looking...a bit vampirish if I'm honest."

"Well, I mean it's been a crazy few days." I laughed and dragged a hand down my face, "And I'm stressed about the mission. I just- I had a thought."

"That's a first."

"Oh do shut up. As I was saying, I was thinking about what we said in the car."

"About the Academy?" Wilson eyed me dubiously, a crease forming between her brows.

"No, why would I want to talk about- anyways, it was about Ezra. How he hasn't contacted us even though he's in England."

"Yeah...because he's in danger?"

I shook my head. "No... I don't think that's true."

"What? How do you know?"

"I was looking through the mission report."

Wilson frowned and opened her mouth to speak, but a round of turbulence cut her off. Her eyes fluttered closed and she gagged, turning green. She clutched her stomach and doubled over, lips pressed together tightly. Her legs buckled, unable to hold her weight.

My arms moved of their own accord to reach out and grip her shoulders tightly, pulling her into my side.

"Woah!" I exclaimed as I heard the air hostesses try to calm people down.

"Ohh." Wilson groaned, doubling over. "I really don't like planes."

I patted her head thrice in quick succession- like I did back at the hotel. "There, there."

"Dear Lord, you need to work on your comforting skills."

My expression fell flat and I stepped away, letting her fall.

"Ow!" She screeched, hitting her elbow on the corner of the cabinet. I winced in sympathy as her lips twisted in a scowl and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Okay, I deserved that."

The wave of turbulence subsided and I gave Wilson a moment to gather herself. I heard one guy loudly shouting about how everyone should invest in his company and reap the profits before we all died on this plane. Some lady screamed at him to shut up or she would beat him with her slipper. Several passengers cheered at that and the man wisely stayed quiet.

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