Chapter 33: "Apocalypse"

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"What do we do now?" I asked Nate, drumming my fingers on the dashboard. "The Agency has been taken over, Ada has been kidnapped and we have no one on our side!"

A slow smirk stretched across his face and his eyes glinted deviously. "Who says we haven't got anyone on our side?"

I frowned. "Nate, what did you do?"

"You'll see."


When Nate made that enigmatic statement, and refused to answer any of my questions, I thought he had some top-secret army stashed away somewhere. Or maybe a horde of weapons. Something only old-timers of the Agency would know about.

I was not expecting this.

"Nate," I whispered, slightly nervous and horrified. "What is this?"

He slung an arm over my shoulder. "The way we take back the Agency."

"You do realise our sister's life is on the line too?"

"Of course I know." He shot me a slightly irate look. "Do you realise how many strings I pulled and how many favours I cashed in?"

"Yes... but," I gestured to the small crowd of people, "I don't think we've got much of a fighting chance."

"So!" An elderly man in an immaculate suit hobbled up to us and rested heavily on his cane. He smoothed down tufts of white hair that clung to his head by hope alone. "When do we get this battle started?"

"For goodness sake Herbert," another woman snapped, popping a few pills. "This is not a battle! We're here to rescue our family, not start a war!"

"My granddaughter is in there!" Herbert brandished his stick. "I will start an apocalypse if I have to!"

"These are the retired Agents and Analysts," Nate explained, "These were the only people who were nearby and could come right now."

"I- alright." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Do you have any weapons?"

"I told these people to bring whatever weapons they could. We have a few guns, sticks, grenades that don't really work–" he broke off at my flat expression and sighed. "Look, I get what you're saying. But I have contacted a few friends- who I know are not traitors- but they can't get here for a while. Each second we waste just means Niamara is in more danger."

Although I would never say it outloud, I had to admit my idiotic brother had a good point.

Herbert and the woman- who I later found out was his ex-wife- started squabbling about who invented gardens. Gardens.

"This is why we split up, Julia!" Herbert screeched and then wheezed, coughing violently.

Julia shot him a withering glare, her fingers inching towards the silver pistol strapped to her waist. "Why you little–"

I stepped forwards and clapped my hands together loudly to gather their attention. "Alright everyone! Listen up!"

Julia slowly holstered her weapon and I mentally patted myself on the back for preventing another murder.

"The situation is that the Agency has been taken over. We believe this has been done by the Sanguis- an assassination guild- along with some traitors of the Agency."

An uneasy murmur rippled through the group and glances were exchanged. I could understand the sentiment- it still jarred me to think what the girl I grew up with had become.

Herbert snorted and harrumphed. "This wouldn't have happened in my day!"

I graciously let the comment slide. "Obviously, with our small numbers, there is no way a frontal assault will work. There are many–"

"Hang on a second!" A voice piqued up and a dark, leathery hand shot up from the crowd. "How do we know you are also not traitors? What's the stake for you?"

"My sister has been kidnapped by a double agent. She could be in that building and I'm willing to risk whatever it takes to get her back." I swallowed and took a deep breath, trying not to think too much about Ada.

Nate sensed my unease and smoothly stepped in. "You all also have relatives and friends trapped in that building. Think about what is at risk for you. How far are you willing to go for that person?"

Everyone was silent- even Herbert. I could see the ex-Analysts deep in thought, their minds whirred at unimaginable speeds as they calculated the loss and gains. The Agents were wondering about the layout of the building, playing how quickly they could overwhelm the place.

"If anyone wishes to opt out," I said as the quiet hum of conversation started, "now is your chance. There will be no hard feelings or judgement. Not everyone will survive here, and we can understand that you have a family-"

"Cut the waffle, boy!" Herbert cried out, "Most of us don't have enough time left for that!"

A light laugh rang out as the group brandished their artillery and took up a ferocious war cry. "Die traitors!"

It was impressive, until they dissolved into a series of hacking coughs and wheezes.

I clapped my hands to call for attention, wishing I had some sort of whistle. "Alright everyone, listen up! Here is the plan." 


I hope you guys liked it! 

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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