Chapter 24: "Don't blame yourself."

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"TELL ME WHAT happened."

My right knee bounced up and down and I glanced around the room. "I already told you what happened."

"Tell me again."

"What purpose will that solve?"

"The more you repeat an incident, the more details you will remember. Even the smallest details could save Addy's life."

I leaned back in the chair and stared at the white floor. My shirt was stained in the blood I'd washed my hands off a few hours ago. Ada's blood. "There's nothing else."

The woman snarled. "Do you want her to die?"

"Darling." The man placed a hand on her shoulder. "You can't kill him yet. He's clearly important to Addy. Before she passed out, she said we could not kill him."

The woman huffed and tossed a curl of red hair over her shoulder. "I know. That's the only reason I haven't put a bullet in his brain."

I must say, I do not enjoy how casually she talks of killing me.

Ada. I tried to smile despite the unfiltered terror coursing through my veins. Why have you brought me here?

The man turned to me with an apologetic shrug. "Sorry about the hostile welcome. We're just deeply worried about Addy. My name is Ryder and this is my fiancée–"

"Don't tell him my real name," the woman snapped, her green eyes narrowing."Call me Silver."

"Silver. Got it." I nodded, not eager to anger the woman with a gun. "How is- how is Ada?"

"We don't know," Ryder answered honestly. "She keeps slipping in and out. The doctors say she's been poisoned and are trying to flush the toxins out of her body but... it's unclear if she will- if she will make it."

"Of course she'll make it," Silver said abruptly, her hands curled into tight fists in her lap. "She has to. She promised she wouldn't leave us."

Ryder wrapped his arm around her shoulder and I had to admire his courage. "It's okay, Za- I mean, Silver. Addy is strong. She'll pull through."

"We had a deal," Silver whispered, "she never breaks her deals."

I awkwardly stood up, feeling like I was intruding on a private moment. "Um, I'll just go–"

"No need," Silver tiredly waved a hand. "Sit back down. Now, Jay Carter, tell us everything that's happened so far that's led to my best friend getting poisoned."

I took a deep breath and told her everything from Keen nearly killing Ada in the alleyway, to Ada getting poisoned. When I mentioned the building in the woods, Silver paled and let out a shuddering breath.

"I know the place you are talking about," she growled, her hand inching towards the gun strapped to her waist. "I know the man who runs it too. Until I see his head separated from his body, I cannot believe he died in the fire."

"I understand." I nodded. "Ada...told me about her time there."

"She did?" Silver raised her head and frowned. "She trusted you?"

"I think so?"

"Remarkable... what sorcery did you commit?"

"What? None!"

"Dear," Ryder said gently. "Remember, no killing."

"What if I just break his nose a little?" She tried to compromise.

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