Chapter 10: "It's not my fault!"

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WE GOT OUT of the car and walked towards the establishment. Wilson's steps were slightly shaky, but I knew she would refuse any help. I was two steps behind her, using the distance to mull over her words.

"No, I'm not fine. And I don't think I ever will be."

With a jolt, I realised how little I actually knew her. Even when we were friends, there was an unyielding wall between us.

Come to think of it, how did she join the Agency in the first place?

I racked my brains, diving into the past. I remember Chief Wright telling us that she was talented and good with a computer. But what was her life like before she joined the Agency?

Hold up, I shook my head like I was trying to dislodge water from between my ears, Why do I care about Wilson's past? We literally just need to work together to find Ezra. After that, it won't matter what happens. We can go back to hating each other like usual.

The thought made a pang of sadness claw out of my chest. I don't know why.

"Alright." Wilson exhaled, and blew a puff of hot air into her cupped palms. "We need to sneak in, get the info, and sneak out. Try to not draw attention."

I shot her a flat look. "I think that ship has long sailed."

"We can at least try." Wilson pushed the door and stepped over the threshold.

The setting resembled a bar. People huddled around in small groups, large

All eyes were on us.

I gave an awkward wave, "Hi!"

"No son bienvenidos aquí," A woman with a snake tattoo running up her arm growled at us, pushing her chair back and standing up. (Translation: You are not welcome here)

"¿Qué quieren?" Someone called from the crowd. (What do you want?)

"We just want to talk to someone," I said, my voice loud and clear, cutting through the din. I could infer what they were saying through my limited knowledge of Spanish.

"Yeah!" Wilson nodded, stepping forwards, "Does anyone know where we can find the owner of this place?"

"So much for not drawing attention to ourselves," I muttered. Wilson elbowed me in the gut as her only reply to me.

"Veten de aquí!" The snake tattooed woman snapped, a flash blinding me before I saw her slam a knife into the table, carving a hole out of the rough surface. (Leave now!)

I winced and shifted slightly in front of Wilson. I really didn't want to have to treat another stab wound.

People got up and started towards them. They were holding various weapons of destruction- guns, knives, chairs, and I think one guy was holding a stick.

"Woah, woah, everybody! Tranquilo!" A short man with curly black hair bravely stepped between the crowd and us. (Stand down!) He glanced at Wilson and winked. "Is that how we treat such a mujer bonita?" (Pretty lady/woman)

I thought for sure that Wilson would snap his neck or cuss him out until his ears bled. To my immense shock, she rolled her eyes and said, "Of course you'd be here."

The crowd evidently realised that this Latino man and Wilson knew each other. With one last suspicious look, they slunk back into the shadows and a quiet murmur filled the room.

"Well, well, well, never thought I'd see you again." The man grinned and wrapped an arm around Wilson's shoulder.

She pushed him away, a deep scowl forming. "Fuck off, Yaelo."

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