Vol.15 Ch.2: Shifted Responsibility

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"Overall, I was against Cato's plan," William finally spoke up.

"A rather evasive phrasing," Rodrguez pointed out. "What exactly do you mean by 'overall'?"

"I thought we should wrap the game up since we had the advantage. But, Cato posed some arguments that I found difficult to shoot down, so I ended up going along with his idea."

"Man, the guy totally pressured bro into this!" Ronald exclaimed. "I saw it all. That dang Cato swindled my bro, word!"

This little rascal...! Cato twitched. Buuuuut he's right, though. I did press some of William's buttons to make him cave in. Indeed, quite befitting an intelligent overlord like me, muhahaha!

"Hmm. I believe I see the picture now." Rodriguez nodded. "So, let me guess, things probably went something like this: Cato used some sophistry to make Will play along with the plan. Then, Ron being Ron, he followed in his older brother's footsteps without thinking too much."

"Ack! Exposed..." Ronald slumped.

"Then, with Matt and the two brothers on his side, Cato won an overwhelming majority. At that point, it must have felt impossible to overturn his decision, am I right, Sonya?"

"Y-Yes, that's how it felt..." Sonya lowered her head.

S-Scary. Cato shuddered. He figured out my brilliant plan in an instant! Then again, I guess it's partially my fault for being such a one-trick pony. I almost always push my ideas through in this fashion, so I guess Coach is onto me, ehe~

"So, it's the usual script, huh." Rodriguez sighed. "Cato, I'd be really thankful if you could tone down your swindling when it comes to your teammates. Tactics like that should be used on your opponents, not your teammates."

"But Coach, don't you always teach us to voice our opinions and push for what we believe is right regardless of what others say? That's all I did~" Cato smiled innocently.

"Yes, you're right." Rodriguez sighed. "In your own twisted way, you do follow my teachings, which is the only reason I usually let it slide. But, you really have to tone it down. Not just for the sake of the team, but for your own sake as well."

"I'll keep it in mind~"

"Anyway," Rodriguez continued as he turned to the others. "I'm sure you've all figured it by now, but in essence, Cato was the only one who really wanted to draw the game out. And yet, all four of you allowed him to enforce that plan on you. In that sense, all of you are just as guilty as he is, if not more."

"But c'mon, Coach," Ronald argued. "Even you said it. That snake Cato totally swindled us."

"Watch how you call your teammates, young man."

"Geh, okay, okay. Anyway, my point is, Cato totally played us! It's not our fault."

"Cato made a mistake, but that's all he did," Rodriguez summarized. "He had a terrible idea in mind that he genuinely believed in, so he pushed for it to happen. That's not a capital offense as far as I'm concerned, I'm sure you agree?"

"Well, if you put it that way..." Ronald scratched his head.

"On the other hand," Rodriguez continued. "You realized it was a bad idea, yet you still went along with it. So tell me, who is worse? A player who commits a mistake without realizing it? Or, a player who willingly commits a mistake that he's aware of?"

"Ack..." Ronald opened and closed his mouth. "W-Well, bro also agreed with it, so I thought maybe it'll be fine..."

"Is your brother some sort of superhuman who can never do any wrong? Does he never make mistakes? Do you plan to always follow everything he says without ever thinking for yourself?"

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