Vol.16 Ch.23: The Brothers vs. The Dark Knight

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Man, it's so weird to play DK Top these days. Luke smiled wryly. I don't remember the last time I did this. I used to play like this a lot in the old days and wreck clueless scrubs in Casual, but at some point, I switched over to real memes.

Top DK was a borderline meme but not quite. It was technically viable, just very low-tier and extremely situational. As such, it didn't quite match the "meme" definition that Luke wanted to stick with, so he stopped playing the class.

Probably because of that, the moment he stepped into Top Lane, he felt a tingle. It felt as if the lane was mocking him for coming back after all this time. "You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."

It was truly a poetic turn of events. It felt as if Luke returned to his roots as a casual player who enjoyed playing memes for fun. Back then, nobody was forcing him to play like a sweaty tryhard.

The good ol' days. Luke nodded to himself. But, too bad this ain't Casual. My guy over there gonna rip me apart if I show him any weaknesses.

AbsoluteChallenger arrived on the lane far later than Luke, but dude was already ahead by a whole level in terms of farm. That Nordic duo must've stolen the wolves on Luke's side, then returned to their side of the jungle to also clear the wraiths and wolves there. A tag team of Berserker and Viking was strong enough to pull off such a speedy start.

Well, all that exp advantage is cool and all. Luke thought. But, can you compete with this!?

He unleashed Dark Blast, deleting the entire enemy army in one fell swoop. Ez game.

I may just be subbing for my man Vince here, but that doesn't mean I gonna sit here and be passive about the job. Luke thought. Nah, dude. I'mma make you regret making me come over here! You have no idea what you did just bring upon this cursed land!

After eliminating all enemy forces, Luke advanced along the lane with his brigade. All his trusty minions were at full health, ready to wreak havoc! The plan was to push all the way to the enemy tower, but...

"Luke, retreat," Yuel ordered. "Don't overextend. The Viking might still be nearby."

"Really? You think so?" Luke hit the brakes. "Shouldn't the guy be rotating to the griffins or to Bot Jungle by now?"

"None of the wards showed him do any of those," Yuel said. "We're seriously lacking wards over there."

"Geh." Luke felt that jab. He was the one who traded wards for greater early power, so it was basically his fault. Ehe.

"Okay, I'mma spare this mortal's life for today." Luke backpedaled and gave up on this juicy opportunity to push. While retreating, he glanced at the jungle entrance, to see if he could spot anybody there.

Hmm. I don't see the Viking anywhere. Dan squinted his eyes. I think Yuel was just paranoid about- Oh, never mind. Here's our boi.

A wild Winner has appeared! But, too bad for him. Luke was already five parallel universes ahead of the guy!

Surely, Winner was regretting all his life choices right about now.

"Hmph." William grumbled.

"Dang it, bruh!" Ronald exclaimed. "We almost had him! If only he came a little closer, just a little! Can't believe he has that level of self-control as a DK."

"Either he does, or somebody else warned him," William said. "Either way, we're not getting this kill so I'll help you clear this wave."

"Thanks, bro. For real, there are way too many dudes coming my way, haha."

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