Vol.19 Ch.13: St. Mary's Classmancers Club

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St. Mary's Classmancers Club was less than a year old. Despite that, the clubroom had no shortage of space and equipment. It housed no less than six computers with strong hardware for gaming.

Of course, it was not the school that financed any of this. These machines were far more advanced than the relics the school's computer room had to offer.

The school was still skeptical of this newly formed club, so it was not willing to allocate any extra funds beyond the bare minimum budget. As such, Fiona had to finance everything by herself. Fortunately, her "pocket money" was quite generous compared to the average middle schooler, and it further scaled off with the many athletic achievements that impressed her father.

With all of these assets combined, purchasing six gaming computers was not a big deal for her. Top-shelf gear was always expensive, regardless of the sport. But, it was always a worthwhile investment for the sake of making practice smoother and more efficient.

A newly formed club like the Valkyries needed any advantage it could get to keep up with the competition. As such, everything about the gear was professional from top to bottom. Not only the hardware itself, but also the monitors, mouses, chairs, and even the tables.

Fiona consulted ProCenter on the equipment they used for official games and then she purchased the exact same models. There was nothing more optimal than practicing with the exact same equipment that would be used in the regionals.

In order to justify all these expenses, Fiona made sure to utilize the club room as frequently as possible. As such, she insisted on holding daily practice sessions even though that was uncommon for other clubs.

To her surprise, she was met with a fair amount of resistance at first. Even Karen was taken a little aback by this demand, though she soon came around and sided with Fiona.

"As amateurs with a late start, we must practice at least this much," Fiona explained over and over until she finally persuaded her clubmates. There were still some complaints during the first couple of weeks, but those soon died out. Soon enough, daily practice became a routine.

Humans are adaptable creatures. Even a task that seems incredibly taxing at first can become as natural as coming to school in the mornings. It is all about turning the activity into a routine.

After half a year of training, everybody had grown accustomed to this routine. Even those who initially called the routine "inhuman" eventually acclimated.

With that said, not everybody's attitude toward practice was equal. Some took it more seriously than others.

When Fiona and Karen arrived in the clubroom, Lua was already there, absorbed in the computer's monitor. Every once in a while, she pushed her big glasses and wrote down some notes.

She was so absorbed in the task that she did not even notice Fiona and Karen entering the clubroom. This level of carelessness was a bit alarming, but it went to show just how seriously Lua was researching things.


"A-Ah!" Lua jumped. Her heart almost leapt out of her chest. "O-Oh, it's you, Karen..."

"Haha, works every time!" Karen laughed at the cartoonish reaction. That girl was so easy to mess around with, haha!

"Watcha doing?" Karen asked as she peered into the screen. "Looking into some weird occult stuff?"

"W-Why would I do something like that?" Lua puffed her cheeks as she pushed her glasses, which almost fell off because of the scarejump. "I was told to study StormBlitz's players, so that's what I've been doing."

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